见代码。有问题的区域在“ticketTable.prototype.handleCellClick = function()”中
function ticketTable(ticks){ // tickets is an array this.tickets = ticks;} ticketTable.prototype.render = function(element) { var tbl = document.createElement("table"); for ( var i = 0; i < this.tickets.length; i++ ) { // create row and cells var row = document.createElement("tr"); var cell1 = document.createElement("td"); var cell2 = document.createElement("td"); // add text to the cells cell1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i)); cell2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.tickets[i])); // handle clicks to the first cell. // FYI, this only works in FF, need a little more code for IE cell1.addEventListener("click", this.handleCellClick, false); // add cells to row row.appendChild(cell1); row.appendChild(cell2); // add row to table tbl.appendChild(row); } // Add table to the page element.appendChild(tbl); } ticketTable.prototype.handleCellClick = function() { // PROBLEM!!! in the context of this function, // when used to handle an event, // "this" is the element that triggered the event. // this works fine alert(this.innerHTML); // this does not. I can't seem to figure out the syntax to access the array in the object. alert(this.tickets.length); }