上边已经回答你的问题,线程结束时会调用notifyAll。JVM底层实际是使用OS层提供的API来支持线程的,比如UNIX-Like的OS中一般使用pthread(Windows也有Pthread的实现),openjdk的hotspotVM使用的就是pthread,我们来看一下openjdk8版本的hotspotVM底层实际代码。在Thread执行start的方法时,就会调用native方法的start0,start0底层实际经过很多层的封装,最终会调用createJavaThread的方法,createJavaThread就会调pthread_create创建一个线程并执行。过程大致是这样的:Thread.start() -> start0() -> ... -> createJavaCreate() -> pthread_create() => threadStart() => attachThread() -> 执行Thread的run() -> detachThread() "这个方法最后会调用Object.notifyAll"。openjdk-8-8u66-b17/jamvm-2.0.0/src/thread.cvoid createJavaThread(Object *jThread, long long stack_size) { Thread *self = threadSelf(); ExecEnv *ee = sysMalloc(sizeof(ExecEnv)); Thread *thread = sysMalloc(sizeof(Thread)); memset(ee, 0, sizeof(ExecEnv)); memset(thread, 0, sizeof(Thread)); thread->ee = ee; ee->thread = jThread; ee->stack_size = stack_size; if(!classlibCreateJavaThread(thread, jThread)) { sysFree(thread); sysFree(ee); return; } disableSuspend(self); if(pthread_create(&thread->tid, &attributes, threadStart, thread)) { classlibMarkThreadTerminated(jThread); sysFree(ee); enableSuspend(self); signalException(java_lang_OutOfMemoryError, "can't create thread"); return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); /* Wait for thread to start */ while(classlibGetThreadState(thread) == CREATING) pthread_cond_wait(&cv, &lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); enableSuspend(self);}....void *threadStart(void *arg) { Thread *thread = (Thread *)arg; Object *jThread = thread->ee->thread; /* Parent thread created thread with suspension disabled. This is inherited so we need to enable */ enableSuspend(thread); /* Complete initialisation of the thread structure, create the thread stack and add the thread to the thread list */ initThread(thread, INST_DATA(jThread, int, daemon_offset), &thread); /* Add thread to thread ID map hash table. */ addThreadToHash(thread); /* Set state to running and notify creating thread */ signalThreadRunning(thread); /* Execute the thread's run method */ executeMethod(jThread, CLASS_CB(jThread->class)->method_table[run_mtbl_idx]); /* Run has completed. Detach the thread from the VM and exit */ detachThread(thread); TRACE("Thread %p id: %d exited\n", thread, thread->id); return NULL;}void *detachThread(Thread *thread) { Object *keep_alive; ExecEnv *ee = thread->ee; Object *java_thread = ee->thread; Object *group = INST_DATA(java_thread, Object*, group_offset); /* If there's an exception pending, it is uncaught */ if(exceptionOccurred0(ee)) uncaughtException(); /* Don't do anything if this is the main thread */ if(thread->prev == NULL) return NULL; /* remove thread from thread group */ executeMethod(group, (CLASS_CB(group->class))-> method_table[rmveThrd_mtbl_idx], java_thread); /* Remove thread from the ID map hash table */ deleteThreadFromHash(thread); objectLock(java_thread); /* Mark the thread as terminated. This state is used in determining if the thread is alive and so must be done before notifying joining threads. The VM thread structure is tied to a Java-level object (see comment below). The keep_alive is an object which must be kept alive to prevent the structure from being freed while we are still accessing it */ keep_alive = classlibMarkThreadTerminated(java_thread); /* Notify any threads waiting on the thread object - these are joining this thread 这里调用objectNotifyAll */ objectNotifyAll(java_thread); objectUnlock(java_thread); /* Thread's about to die, so no need to enable suspend afterwards. */ disableSuspend(thread); /* Grab global lock, and update thread structures protected by it (thread list, thread ID and number of daemon threads) */ pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); /* It is safe to free the thread's ExecEnv and stack now as these are only used within the thread. It is _not_ safe to free the native thread structure as another thread may be concurrently accessing it. However, they must have a reference to the java level thread -- therefore, it is safe to free during GC when the thread is determined to be no longer reachable. */ sysFree(ee->stack); sysFree(ee); /* If no more daemon threads notify the main thread (which may be waiting to exit VM). Note, this is not protected by lock, but main thread checks again */ if(non_daemon_thrds == 0) { /* No need to bother with disabling suspension around lock, as we're no longer on thread list */ pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_lock); pthread_cond_signal(&exit_cv); pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_lock); } /* Finally, clear the thread local data */ setThreadSelf(NULL); TRACE("Thread %p id: %d detached from VM\n", thread, thread->id); return keep_alive;}....