今天碰到一个关于mybatis的问题 查询到的数据是null
首先申明,数据库是有相关的数据,并且sql是正确的,但是调用的时候 debug进去发现查出来的list集合是空数据。
<resultMap id="RevenuePercsResultMap" type="com.xxx.common.dto.report.RevenuePercsEntity">
<result property="totalPrice" column="totalPrice" />
<result property="bussinessType" column="bussinessType"/>
<select id="getCommoditySalesTotalPercentage" resultMap="RevenuePercsResultMap" parameterType="com.xxx.common.param.report.GetReportParam">
select sum(a.`num` * a.price) as totalPrice,o.business_type as bussinessType
from order_detail a right join `order` o on o.id = a.order_id
where o.shop_id = #{param.shopId} and (o.business_type = 0 or o.business_type = 1 or o.business_type = 2)
<if test="param.startTm != null and param.endTm != null and param.startTm != '' and param.endTm != ''">
and o.create_tm between #{param.startTm} and #{param.endTm}
group by o.business_type
只有当o.business_type = 2 有显示查到数据,o.business_type = 0 和 o.business_type = 1 都是null的