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sql中的保留字action add aggregate allalter after and asasc avg avg_row_length auto_incrementbetween bigint bit binaryblob bool both bycascade case char characterchange check checksum columncolumns comment constraint createcross current_date current_time current_timestampdata database databases datedatetime day day_hour day_minuteday_second dayofmonth dayofweek dayofyeardec decimal default delayeddelay_key_write delete desc describedistinct distinctrow double dropend else escape escapedenclosed enum explain existsfields file first floatfloat4 float8 flush foreignfrom for full functionglobal grant grants grouphaving heap high_priority hourhour_minute hour_second hosts identifiedignore in index infileinner insert insert_id intinteger interval int1 int2int3 int4 int8 intoif is isam joinkey keys kill last_insert_idleading left length likelines limit load locallock logs long longbloblongtext low_priority max max_rowsmatch mediumblob mediumtext mediumintmiddleint min_rows minute minute_secondmodify month monthname myisamnatural numeric no notnull on optimize optionoptionally or order outeroutfile pack_keys partial passwordprecision primary procedure processprocesslist privileges read realreferences reload regexp renamereplace restrict returns revokerlike row rows secondselect set show shutdownsmallint soname sql_big_tables sql_big_selectssql_low_priority_updates sql_log_off sql_log_update sql_select_limitsql_small_result sql_big_result sql_warnings straight_joinstarting status string tabletables temporary terminated textthen time timestamp tinyblobtinytext tinyint trailing totype use using uniqueunlock unsigned update usagevalues varchar variables varyingvarbinary with write whenwhere year year_month zerofill