官方解答:FunctionsCopying:memcpyCopy block of memory (function)memmoveMove block of memory (function )strcpyCopy string (function)strncpyCopy characters from string (function)Concatenation:strcatConcatenate strings (function)strncatAppend characters from string (function)Comparison:memcmpCompare two blocks of memory (function)strcmpCompare two strings (function )strcollCompare two strings using locale (function)strncmpCompare characters of two strings (function)strxfrmTransform string using locale (function)Searching:memchrLocate character in block of memory (function)strchrLocate first occurrence of character in string (function)strcspnGet span until character in string (function)strpbrkLocate character in string (function)strrchrLocate last occurrence of character in string (function)strspnGet span of character set in string (function)strstrLocate substring (function)strtokSplit string into tokens (function)Other:memsetFill block of memory (function)strerrorGet pointer to error message string (function)strlenGet string length (function )MacrosNULLNull pointer (macro)Typessize_tUnsigned integral type (type)