这个是链接 How many combinations does Android 9 point unlock have?
min_seq_length = 4
def Middle(a, b):
"""Return the node between a and b if there is one, or None."""
if (a+b)%2 != 0:
return None
mid = (a+b)/2
if mid == 5:
return mid
if a%3 == b%3:
return mid
if (a-1)/3 == (b-1)/3:
return mid
return None
def NextValid(base):
"""Generate valid moves j+1 given a sequence of moves 1..j."""
if len(base) >= 9:
if len(base) == 0:
for i in xrange(1,10):
yield i
for i in xrange(1,10):
if not i in base:
mid = Middle(i, base[-1])
if mid is None or mid in base:
yield i
def Sequences(base):
"""Generator for valid sequences of moves."""
if len(base) >= min_seq_length:
yield list(base)
for n in NextValid(base):
for s in Sequences(base + [n]):
yield s
seqs_of_length = [0]*10
for seq in Sequences([]):
# if len(seq) == 9:
# print seq
seqs_of_length[len(seq)] += 1
print 'Sequences by length:', seqs_of_length
print 'Total number of sequences:', sum(seqs_of_length)