the question of installer

Is it possible to easily setup a launch condition that checks if another
product is installed on the system?


  Firstly ,I descript the function steps installer.

  1. We must check  lisence is installed before the installation of  application.

  2. if lisence is  setup then  application directly.

  3. if lisence isn’t  setup then lisence will install  before the application automatically.


i use search for Registry key and value , launch condition to check  if  the machine is install the Lisence .the result is right.

but i question is that : 

   if  installer package is checked that  lisence isn’t  setup then install the  lisence ,but after complete the installion of lisence  installer can't return to install the application???

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看来半天,大概理解你说的意思。你这段英文虽然不长,但错误实在也是不少。我不是英语老师,在这里我也不想做太多关于语言方面的纠正,我只想问问你几个问题,因为我从你的这段话中实在没有看明白if lisence is  setup then  application directly.这句话本身有好几处错误,但这个无所谓了,关键是你这个话似乎没有写完, directly 是一个副词,我想后面应该有个谓语吧,是 directly exits 吗?我只能猜,不知道猜的对不对。最后那句话,你是不是要问安装完 lisence 后,你的安装程序无法返回继续下面的安装步骤?另外你也没有说明你这个 installer 到底是用什么程序开发的,无法返回是怎么个无法返回法,请你补充一下