把offsetY改成pageY就行了。关于offsetY的意思,规范是这么写的:The MouseEvent.offsetY read-only property provides the offset in the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the padding edge of the target node.关于pageY的意思:The MouseEvent.pageY read-only property returns the vertical coordinate of the event relative to the whole document.你体会一下这两者的区别,然后再想想为什么offsetY不行。最后,个人觉得你的js代码写的有点乱……我稍微改了改,你可以参考下:$(document).ready(function(){ let axiL = 0,
doc = $(document),
b = $("#b"); //定义鼠标拖动时执行的函数
function move(event){ const top = parseInt(b.css("top")); let axiN = top + event.pageY - axiL;
axiN = (axiN < 0) ? 0: axiN;
axiN = (axiN > 170) ? 170: axiN;
b.css("top", axiN);
axiL = event.pageY;
b.on("mousedown", function() {
doc.on("mousemove", move);
axiL = event.pageY;
doc.on("mouseup", function() {
doc.off("mousemove", move);