KeyGenerator 可用的算法在 Java 文档中可以查到:Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation摘抄表格如下Algorithm NameDescriptionAESKey generator for use with the AES algorithm.ARCFOURKey generator for use with the ARCFOUR (RC4) algorithm.BlowfishKey generator for use with the Blowfish algorithm.DESKey generator for use with the DES algorithm.DESedeKey generator for use with the DESede (triple-DES) algorithm.HmacMD5Key generator for use with the HmacMD5 algorithm.HmacSHA1, HmacSHA224, HmacSHA256, HmacSHA384, HmacSHA512Keys generator for use with the various flavors of the HmacSHA algorithms.RC2Key generator for use with the RC2 algorithm.Provider 大概是根据算法名称提供算法的一个提供程序,你可以参考一下 Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) Reference Guide 中的相关章节。一般情况下不需要自己去实现 Provider。