//#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include "VspdCTOMySQL.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* host = "localhost"; char* user = "root"; char* port = "3306"; char* passwd = "123456"; char* dbname = "database2"; char* charset = "utf8"; char* Msg = "";//消息变量 //初始化 VspdCToMySQL * vspdctomysql = new VspdCToMySQL; if (vspdctomysql->ConnMySQL(host, port, dbname, user, passwd, charset, Msg) == 0) cout << "连接成功" << endl; else cout<<"连接失败" << endl; //查询 char * SQL = "select * from table2"; string str = vspdctomysql->SelectData(SQL, 3, Msg);//检索到的字符串 if (str.length() > 0) { cout << "查询成功" << endl; cout<<str.data()<<endl; /* cout << str.data() << endl;*/ /*cout << str.c_str() << endl;*/ } else { cout<<"查询失败"<<endl; } //插入 //SQL = "insert into vcaccesstest(ids,username,passwd,address) values(4,'我的','123210','测试地址')"; //if (vspdctomysql->InsertData(SQL, Msg) == 0) // printf("插入成功/r/n"); ////更新 //SQL = "update vcaccesstest set username = '修改了',passwd='2345' where ids = 3 "; //if (vspdctomysql->UpdateData(SQL, Msg) == 0) // printf("更新成功/r/n"); ////删除 //SQL = "delete from vcaccesstest where ids = 3 "; //if (vspdctomysql->DeleteData(SQL, Msg) == 0) // printf("删除成功/r/n"); /*vspdctomysql->CloseMySQLConn();*/ system("pause"); return 0; }
//#include "stdafx.h" #include "VspdCTOMySQL.h" VspdCToMySQL::VspdCToMySQL() { } VspdCToMySQL::~VspdCToMySQL() { } //初始化数据 int VspdCToMySQL::ConnMySQL(char *host, char * port, char * Db, char * user, char* passwd, char * charset, char * Msg) { if (mysql_init(&mysql) == NULL) { Msg = "inital mysql handle error"; return 1; } if (mysql_real_connect(&mysql, host, user, passwd, Db, 0, NULL, 0) == NULL) { Msg = "Failed to connect to database: Error"; return 1; } if (mysql_set_character_set(&mysql, "utf8") != 0) { Msg = "mysql_set_character_set Error"; return 1; } return 0; } //查询数据 string VspdCToMySQL::SelectData(char * SQL, int Cnum, char * Msg) { MYSQL_ROW m_row; MYSQL_RES *m_res; char sql[2048]; sprintf_s(sql, SQL); int rnum = 0; char rg = 0x06;//行隔开 char cg = { 0x05 };//字段隔开 if (mysql_query(&mysql, sql)!=0) { Msg = "select ps_info Error"; return ""; } m_res = mysql_store_result(&mysql); if (m_res == NULL) { Msg = "select username Error"; return ""; } string str(""); while (m_row = mysql_fetch_row(m_res)) { for (int i = 0; i < Cnum; i++)//Cnum是列数 { str += m_row[i]; //str += rg; } // str += rg; rnum++; } mysql_free_result(m_res); return str; } //插入数据 int VspdCToMySQL::InsertData(char * SQL, char * Msg) { char sql[2048]; sprintf_s(sql, SQL); if (mysql_query(&mysql, sql) != 0) { Msg = "Insert Data Error"; return 1; } return 0; } //更新数据 int VspdCToMySQL::UpdateData(char * SQL, char * Msg) { char sql[2048]; sprintf_s(sql, SQL); if (mysql_query(&mysql, sql) != 0) { Msg = "Update Data Error"; return 1; } return 0; } //删除数据 int VspdCToMySQL::DeleteData(char * SQL, char * Msg) { char sql[2048]; sprintf_s(sql, SQL); if (mysql_query(&mysql, sql) != 0) { Msg = "Delete Data error"; return 1; } return 0; } //关闭数据库连接 void VspdCToMySQL::CloseMySQLConn() { mysql_close(&mysql); }
#pragma once #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <winsock.h> #include <mysql.h> using namespace std; class VspdCToMySQL { public: //变量 MYSQL mysql; /* 构造函数和稀构函数 */ VspdCToMySQL(); ~VspdCToMySQL(); /* 主要的功能: 初始化数据库 连接数据库 设置字符集 入口参数: host :MYSQL服务器IP port:数据库端口 Db:数据库名称 user:数据库用户 passwd:数据库用户的密码 charset:希望使用的字符集 Msg:返回的消息,包括错误消息 出口参数: int :0表示成功;1表示失败 */ int ConnMySQL(char *host, char * port, char * Db, char * user, char* passwd, char * charset, char * Msg); /* 主要的功能: 查询数据 入口参数: SQL:查询的SQL语句 Cnum:查询的列数 Msg:返回的消息,包括错误消息 出口参数: string 准备放置返回的数据,多条记录则用0x06隔开,多个栏位用0x05隔开 如果 返回的长度= 0,责表示舞结果 */ string SelectData(char * SQL, int Cnum, char * Msg); /* 主要功能: 插入数据 入口参数 SQL:查询的SQL语句 Msg:返回的消息,包括错误消息 出口参数: int :0表示成功;1表示失败 */ int InsertData(char * SQL, char * Msg); /* 主要功能: 修改数据 入口参数 SQL:查询的SQL语句 Msg:返回的消息,包括错误消息 出口参数: int :0表示成功;1表示失败 */ int UpdateData(char * SQL, char * Msg); /* 主要功能: 删除数据 入口参数 SQL:查询的SQL语句 Msg:返回的消息,包括错误消息 出口参数: int :0表示成功;1表示失败 */ int DeleteData(char * SQL, char * Msg); /* 主要功能: 关闭数据库连接 */ void CloseMySQLConn(); };