我目前配置为这个样子,win7 ODBC 一直访问不了,昨天突然成功了,重启了下电脑又不行了,不知道问题到底在哪里,希望大神给予指点
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<description>This sets the path to the HWI war file, relative to ${HIVE_HOME}. </description>
<description>This is the host address the Hive Web Interface will listen on</description>
<description>This is the port the Hive Web Interface will listen on</description>
<description>Driver class name for a JDBC metastore</description>
<description>JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore</description>
<description>Username to use against metastore database</description>
<description>password to use against metastore database</description>