>>> import string >>> import re >>> import urllib2 >>> class DouBanSpider(object): def __init__(self): self.page=1 self.cur_url='http://movie.douban.com/top250?strart={page}&filter=&type=' self.datas=[] self._top_num=1 print '豆瓣电影爬虫准备完毕,准备爬取:' >>> def get_page(self,cur_page): url=self.cur_url try: my_page=urllib2.urlopen(url.format(page=(cur_page-1)*25)).read().decode('utf-8') except urllib2.URLError,e: if hasattr(e,'code'): print "The Server couldn't fulfill the request." print "Error code:%s" % e.code elif hasattr(e,'reason'): print 'We faied to reach a server. Please check your url and read the Reason' print 'Reason:%s' % e.reason return my_page >>> def find_title(self,my_page): temp_data=[] movie_items=re.findall(r'<span.*?class="title">)(.*?)</span>',my_page,re.S) for index,item in enumerate(movie_item): if item.find(' ')==-1: temp_data.append('Top'+str(self._top_num)+' '+item) self._top_num +=1 self.datas.extend(temp_data) >>> def satrt_spider(self): while self.page<=4: my_page=self.get_page(self.page) self.find_title(my_page) self.page += 1 >>> def main(): my_spider=DouBanSpider() my_spider.start_spider() for item in my_spider.datas: print item print "豆瓣爬虫结束" >>> if __name__ =='__main__': main() 豆瓣电影爬虫准备完毕,准备爬取: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#27>", line 2, in <module> main() File "<pyshell#24>", line 3, in main my_spider.start_spider() AttributeError: 'DouBanSpider' object has no attribute 'start_spider' 以上,最后出现错误,哪里不对?