public void RecursRender( TriTreeNode tri, int leftX, int leftY, int rightX, int rightY, int apexX, int apexY, GL10 gl ) { if ( tri.LeftChild != null ) { int centerX = (leftX + rightX)>>1; int centerY = (leftY + rightY)>>1; RecursRender( tri.LeftChild, apexX, apexY, leftX, leftY, centerX, centerY, GL10 gl ); RecursRender( tri.RightChild, rightX, rightY, apexX, apexY, centerX, centerY, GL10 gl ); } else{ //省略,不是重点 } }
//这里GL10 gl这个参数分别在定义时和迭代都调用合法么?事实上,eclipse报错了,提示GL10 cannot be resolved to a variable,应该如何修改