// AjaxRequest object constructor function AjaxRequest() { // Try the XMLHttpRequest object first if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { try { this.request = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { this.request = null; } // Now try the ActiveX (IE) version } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { this.request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); // Try the older ActiveX object for older versions of IE } catch(e) { try { this.request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { this.request = null; } } } // If the request creation failed, notify the user if (this.request == null) alert("Ajax error creating the request.\n" + "Details: " + e); } // Send an Ajax request to the server AjaxRequest.prototype.send = function(type, url, handler, postDataType, postData) { if (this.request != null) { // Kill the previous request this.request.abort(); // Tack on a dummy parameter to override browser caching url += "?dummy=" + new Date().getTime(); try { this.request.onreadystatechange = handler; this.request.open(type, url, true); // always asynchronous (true) if (type.toLowerCase() == "get") { // Send a GET request; no data involved this.request.send(null); } else { // Send a POST request; the last argument is data this.request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", postDataType); this.request.send(postData); } } catch(e) { alert("Ajax error communicating with the server.\n" + "Details: " + e); } } } AjaxRequest.prototype.getReadyState = function() { return this.request.readyState; } AjaxRequest.prototype.getStatus = function() { return this.request.status; } AjaxRequest.prototype.getResponseText = function() { return this.request.responseText; } AjaxRequest.prototype.getResponseXML = function() { return this.request.responseXML; }
这个例子中request 为什么不要用var 定义。