2019-01-14 14:59
[root@VM_0_14_centos ~]# whereis ls /////////查找ls,存在执行文件位置以及帮助文件位置
ls: /usr/bin/ls /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz
[root@VM_0_14_centos ~]# whereis cd ///////查找 cd,一样的结果
cd: /usr/bin/cd /usr/share/man/man1/cd.1.gz
[root@VM_0_14_centos ~]# man cd
[6]+ Stopped man cd
[root@VM_0_14_centos ~]# man cd
[7]+ Stopped man cd
[root@VM_0_14_centos ~]# help cd ///////help cd,可以查找出来
cd: cd [-L|[-P [-e]]] [dir]
Change the shell working directory.
Change the current directory to DIR. The default DIR is the value of the
HOME shell variable.
The variable CDPATH defines the search path for the directory containing
DIR. Alternative directory names in CDPATH are separated by a colon (:).
A null directory name is the same as the current directory. If DIR begins
with a slash (/), then CDPATH is not used.
If the directory is not found, and the shell option `cdable_vars' is set,
the word is assumed to be a variable name. If that variable has a value,
its value is used for DIR.
-L force symbolic links to be followed
-P use the physical directory structure without following symbolic
-e if the -P option is supplied, and the current working directory
cannot be determined successfully, exit with a non-zero status
The default is to follow symbolic links, as if `-L' were specified.
Exit Status:
Returns 0 if the directory is changed, and if $PWD is set successfully when
-P is used; non-zero otherwise.
[root@VM_0_14_centos ~]# help ls //////help ls,无结果
-bash: help: no help topics match `ls'. Try `help help' or `man -k ls' or `info ls'.
疑问:为什么help cd有结果,whereis cd的结果于whereis ls 的结果是一样的
你可以man ls ,ls不是内置命令所以help查找不到的
可以用“type 命令”来看,更直观。
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