2018-11-04 16:02
var age = 19if case 10...19 = age where age >= 18 { print(age) }
抛出异常:Expected ',' joining parts of a multi-clause condition
error: MyPlayground.playground:16:39: error: top-level statement cannot begin with a closure expression
if case 10...19 = age where age >= 18 {
if case 10...19 = age , where age >= 18 { print(age) }
Closure expression is unused
error: MyPlayground.playground:16:41: error: top-level statement cannot begin with a closure expression
if case 10...19 = age , where age >= 18 {
在swift4中 if case 10...19=age where age>=18{} 这样的写法已经不行了,只需要把where改成一个“,”就可以了
玩儿转Swift 2.0(第一季)
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