2016-10-24 12:54
public static void main(String[] args) { String matcherStr = "This is the first Java"; matcherStr += "\nAnd"; matcherStr += "\nThis is the second Python"; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("Java$", Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(matcherStr); int i=0; while(matcher.find()){ i++; } System.out.println(i); }
There is one match (i=1) for Java in the first line. This is mutiline, so the whole matcherStr is something like:
This is the first Java
This is the second Python
public static void main(String[] args) { String matcherStr = "This is the first Java"; matcherStr += "\nAnd"; matcherStr += "\nThis is the second Java"; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("Java$", Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(matcherStr); int i=0; while(matcher.find()){ i++; } System.out.println(i); }
There are two matchs (i=2) for Java in the first line. This is mutiline, so the whole matcherStr is something like:
This is the first Java
This is the second Java
public static void main(String[] args) { String matcherStr = "This is the first Java"; matcherStr += "\nAnd"; matcherStr += "\nThis is the second Python"; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("Java$").matcher(matcherStr); int i=0; while(matcher.find()){ i++; } System.out.println(i); }
There is no match (i=0) for Java. This is not mutiline, so the whole matcherStr is something like:
This is the first Java\nAnd\nThis is the second Python
public static void main(String[] args) { String matcherStr = "This is the first Java"; matcherStr += "\nAnd"; matcherStr += "\nThis is the second Java"; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("Java\\Z", Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(matcherStr); int i=0; while(matcher.find()){ i++; } System.out.println(i); }
There is one match (i=1) for Java with multiline. The same as without multiline.
In this case: If Pattern.compile("Java$", Pattern.MULTILINE), there are two matches.
public static void main(String[] args) { String matcherStr = "This is the first Java"; matcherStr += "\nAnd"; matcherStr += "\nThis is the second Java"; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("Java\\Z").matcher(matcherStr); int i=0; while(matcher.find()){ i++; } System.out.println(i); }
There is one match (i=1) for Java without multiline.
指定匹配必须出现在字符串的开头(忽略 Multiline 选项)。
指定匹配必须出现在以下位置:字符串结尾、字符串结尾的 \n 之前或行的结尾。
指定匹配必须出现在字符串的结尾或字符串结尾的 \n 之前(忽略 Multiline 选项)。
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