2016-09-22 11:46
跪求源码 谁有啊?
(function ($) { var LightBox = function () { var self = this; this.popupMask = $("<div id='mask'></div>"); this.popupWin = $("<div id='popup'></div>"); this.bodyNode = $(document.body); // 组名及数据变量 this.groupName = null; this.groupData = []; this.renderDOM(); // 获取弹出框区域 this.picView = this.popupWin.find(".img"); // 图片区域 this.pic = this.picView.find("img"); this.prevBtn = this.picView.find(".btn-prev"); this.nextBtn = this.picView.find(".btn-next"); this.loader = this.picView.find(".img-loader"); this.picInfo = this.popupWin.find(".info"); // 标题区域 this.picCaption = this.picInfo.find(".info-des"); this.picIndex = this.picInfo.find(".info-index"); this.closeBtn = this.picInfo.find(".close"); this.b_state = true; this.timer = null; // 事件委托 this.bodyNode.delegate(".js_lightbox", "click", function (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); var curGroupName = $(this).attr("data-group"); if (curGroupName != self.groupName) { self.groupName = curGroupName; self.getGroup(); } self.intialPop($(this)); }); // 点击遮罩及关闭按钮时 this.popupMask.click(function () { $(this).fadeOut(); self.popupWin.fadeOut(); }); this.closeBtn.click(function () { self.popupMask.fadeOut(); self.popupWin.fadeOut(); }); // 左右按钮事件 this.prevBtn.hover(function () { if (!$(this).hasClass("disabled") && self.groupData.length > 1) { $(this).addClass("btn-prev__show"); } }, function () { if (!$(self).hasClass("disabled") && self.groupData.length > 1) { $(this).removeClass("btn-prev__show"); } }).click(function (ev) { if (!$(this).hasClass("disabled") && self.b_state) { self.b_state = false; ev.stopPropagation(); self.goTo("prev"); } }); this.nextBtn.hover(function () { if (!$(this).hasClass("disabled") && self.groupData.length > 1) { $(this).addClass("btn-next__show"); } }, function () { if (!$(self).hasClass("disabled") && self.groupData.length > 1) { $(this).removeClass("btn-next__show"); } }).click(function (ev) { if (!$(this).hasClass("disabled") && self.b_state) { self.b_state = false; ev.stopPropagation(); self.goTo("next"); } }); // 根据窗口调整图片大小 $(window).resize(function () { window.clearTimeout(self.timer); self.timer = setTimeout(function () { self.picLoadSize(self.groupData[self.zIndex].src); }, 500); }); }; LightBox.prototype = { goTo: function (direction) { // 左右切换图片 if (direction === "next") { this.zIndex ++; if (this.zIndex === this.groupData.length - 1) { this.nextBtn.addClass("disabled").removeClass("btn-next__show"); } if (this.zIndex > 0) { this.prevBtn.removeClass("disabled"); } var imgURL = this.groupData[this.zIndex].src; this.picLoadSize(imgURL); } else { this.zIndex --; if (this.zIndex === 0) { this.prevBtn.addClass("disabled").removeClass("btn-next__show"); } if (this.zIndex != this.groupData.length - 1) { this.nextBtn.removeClass("disabled"); } var imgURL = this.groupData[this.zIndex].src; this.picLoadSize(imgURL); } }, picLoadSize: function (picURL) { // 加载图片并获取尺寸 var self = this; this.pic.css({width: "auto", height: "auto"}).hide(); this.picInfo.hide(); this.preLoadImg(picURL, function () { self.pic.attr("src", picURL); var picWidth = self.pic.width(); var picHeight = self.pic.height(); self.changeImg(picWidth, picHeight); }); }, changeImg: function (picWidth, picHeight) { // 改变各项值及显示图片 var self = this; var clietnWidth = $(window).width(); var clietnHeight = $(window).height(); var scale = Math.min(clietnWidth / picWidth, clietnHeight / picHeight, 1); picWidth = picWidth * scale; picHeight = picHeight * scale; this.picView.animate({ width: picWidth, height: picHeight }); this.popupWin.animate({ width: picWidth, height: picHeight, marginLeft: -(picWidth / 2), top: (clietnHeight - picHeight) / 2 }, function () { self.pic.css({ width: picWidth, height: picHeight }).fadeIn(); self.picInfo.fadeIn(); self.b_state = true; }); this.picIndex.text("Image "+(this.zIndex + 1)+" of "+this.groupData.length+""); this.picCaption.text(this.groupData[this.zIndex].caption); }, preLoadImg: function (picURL, fn) { // 图片加载函数 var oImg = new Image(); if (!!window.ActiveXObject) { oImg.onreadystatechage = function () { if (this.readyState == "complete") { fn(); } }; } else { oImg.onload = function () { fn(); }; } oImg.src = picURL; }, showMaskAndPop: function (src, curId) { // 显示弹窗部分区域 var self = this; var winWidth = $(window).width(); var winHeight = $(window).height(); var viewHeight = winHeight / 2; this.pic.hide(); this.picInfo.hide(); this.popupMask.fadeIn(); this.picView.css({ width: winWidth / 2, height: winHeight / 2 }); this.popupWin.fadeIn(); this.popupWin.css({ width: winWidth / 2, height: winHeight / 2, marginLeft: -(winWidth / 2) / 2, top: -viewHeight }).animate({ top: (winHeight - viewHeight) / 2 }, function () { self.picLoadSize(src); }); // 存下当前元素在数组中的位置 this.zIndex = this.getIndex(curId); var dataLen = this.groupData.length; if (dataLen > 1) { if (this.zIndex === 0) { this.prevBtn.addClass("disabled"); this.nextBtn.removeClass("disabled"); } else if (this.zIndex == dataLen - 1) { this.prevBtn.removeClass("disabled"); this.nextBtn.addClass("disabled"); } else { this.prevBtn.removeClass("disabled"); this.nextBtn.removeClass("disabled"); } } }, intialPop: function (curObj) { // 初始化弹窗 var sourceSrc = curObj.attr("data-source"); var curId = curObj.attr("data-id"); this.showMaskAndPop(sourceSrc, curId); }, getGroup: function () { // 同一组数据获取 var self = this; var groupList = this.bodyNode.find("*[data-group="+this.groupName+"]"); this.groupData.length = 0; groupList.each(function () { self.groupData.push({ src: $(this).attr("data-source"), id: $(this).attr("data-id"), caption: $(this).attr("data-caption") }); }); }, renderDOM: function () { // 渲染 DOM var str = '<div class="container">\ <a class="img" href="#">\ <img src="#" alt="#">\ <span class="btn btn-prev"></span>\ <span class="btn btn-next"></span>\ </a>\ <div class="info">\ <span class="info-des">Click the right half of the image to move forward.</span>\ <span class="info-index">Image 0 of 0</span>\ <a href="#" class="close"></a>\ </div>\ </div>'; this.popupWin.html(str); this.bodyNode.append(this.popupMask); this.bodyNode.append(this.popupWin); }, getIndex: function (curId) { // 存下当前元素在数组中的位置 var index = 0; $(this.groupData).each(function (i) { if (this.id === curId) { return false; } else { index ++; } }); return index; } }; window["LightBox"] = LightBox; })(jQuery);
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