
来源:4-2 MySQL-如何处理复杂的重复数据删除


2016-08-19 17:16


写回答 关注


  • Edwardsr
    2019-01-06 00:23:14


    update user1 b join (

      select user_name,group_concat(

        distinct SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(mobile,',',t.id),',',-1)


      ) mobile from (

        select user_name,mobile,length(concat(mobile,','))-length(replace(mobile,',','')) size from user1

      ) a cross join tb_sequence t on a.size>=t.id group by a.user_name

    ) c on b.user_name = c.user_name set b.mobile = c.mobile;

  • 王飞fly
    2018-08-02 21:44:02

    update user1 b join (select user_name,group_concat(distinct replace(substring(substring_index(mobile,',',b.id),length(substring_index(mobile,',',b.id-1))+1),',','')) mobile from (select user_name,mobile,length(concat(mobile,','))-length(replace(mobile,',','')) size from user1) a join tb_sequence b on a.size>=b.id group by a.user_name) c on b.user_name = c.user_name set b.mobile = c.mobile;只要看了老师讲的行转列,这道题就不会太难。其中c表就是老师讲行转列的稍加处理之后,在关联更新就好了。

  • Lindsay_Hu
    2016-08-23 09:52:34


    create table user1_practice(id int not null auto_increment primary key,

    user_name varchar(3),

    over varchar(5),

    mobile varchar(100));

    insert into user1_practice(user_name,over,mobile) values ('唐僧','旃檀功德佛','12112345678,14112345678,12112345678');

    insert into user1_practice(user_name,over,mobile) values ('猪八戒','净坛使者','12144643321,14144643321');

    insert into user1_practice(user_name,over,mobile) values ('孙悟空','斗战胜佛','12166666666,14166666666,18166666666,18166666666');

    insert into user1_practice(user_name,over,mobile) values ('沙僧','金身罗汉','12198343214,14198343214');


    create tb_sequence(id int not null auto_increment primary key);

    insert into tb_sequence values(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),();


    create table user1_trans1 as 

    select a.id,user_name,over,

    replace(substring(substring_index(mobile,',',a.id),char_length(substring_index(mobile,',',a.id-1))+1),',','') as mobile 

    from tb_sequence a cross join(

    select user_name,over,

    concat(mobile,',') as mobile,

    length(mobile)-length(replace(mobile,',',''))+1 as size

    from user1_practice b) b on a.id <= b.size;


    delete a from user1_trans1 a join (

    select user_name,over,mobile,count(*),max(id) as id 

    from user1_trans1  group by user_name,over,mobile having count(*) > 1  ) b

    on a.user_name = b.user_name 

    and a.over = b.over

    and a.mobile = b.mobile

    where a.id < b.id;


    create table user1_trans2 as

    select user_name,over,group_concat(mobile) as mobile from user1_trans1

    group by user_name,over;


    update user1_practice a inner join user1_trans2 b on a.user_name = b.user_name

    set a.mobile = b.mobile; 



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