2016-06-22 18:07
package dadaCarRental; import java.util.Scanner; public class DadaTest { public static void main(String[] args) { //Vehicle → Object(assignment) → Arrays Vehicle [] vehicles = new Vehicle[6]; vehicles [0] = new Vehicle("奥迪A4",4,0,500); vehicles [1] = new Vehicle("马自达6",4,0,400); vehicles [2] = new Vehicle("皮卡雪6",4,2,450); vehicles [3] = new Vehicle("金龙",20,0,800); vehicles [4] = new Vehicle("松花江",0,4,400); vehicles [5] = new Vehicle("依维柯",0,20,1000); //test:System.out.println(vehicles[3].price); //welcome. System.out.println("*****欢迎使用达达租车系统*****"); System.out.println("您是否要租车:1是 0 否"); //Input user's choise. Scanner input = new Scanner(; int inputNum1 = input.nextInt(); //Judge and feedback sth. if(inputNum1 == 1){ System.out.println("*****您可租车的类型及其价目表*****"); System.out.println("序号" + " " + "汽车名称 " + " " + "租金" + " " + "容量"); for(int i=0; i<6; i++){ System.out.print(i+1+"、 "+vehicles[i].name + " " +vehicles[i].price + " "); vehicles[i].action(vehicles[i].passangersNum, vehicles[i].cargoNum); System.out.print("\n"); } //Start to rent. System.out.println("请输入您要租车的数量:"); int inputNum2 = input.nextInt(); int totalPrice = 0; int totalP = 0; int totalC = 0; int pIndex = 0; int cIndex = 0; //set string arrays to store names. String [] pVehicles = new String[inputNum2]; String [] cVehicles = new String[inputNum2]; //Input and record the detils. for(int i=1; i<= inputNum2; i++){ System.out.println("请输入第" + i + "辆车的序号"); int carIndex = input.nextInt(); if(carIndex<=0 || carIndex>=7){ System.out.println("你输错序号辣,重头再来吧!╮(╯_╰)╭"); break; } totalPrice = totalPrice + vehicles[carIndex-1].price; if(vehicles[carIndex-1].passangersNum !=0){ totalP = totalP + vehicles[carIndex-1].passangersNum; pVehicles[pIndex] = vehicles[carIndex-1].name; pIndex = pIndex + 1 ; } if(vehicles[carIndex-1].cargoNum !=0){ totalC = totalC + vehicles[carIndex-1].cargoNum; cVehicles[cIndex] = vehicles[carIndex-1].name; cIndex = cIndex + 1 ; } } //Print the bill and info. if(totalPrice !=0 ){ System.out.println("*****您的账单*****"); System.out.println("总价:"+totalPrice+"元"+"\n"); System.out.print("可载人的车:"); if(totalP!=0){ System.out.print("(可载"+totalP+"人)"+"\n"); for(int i = 0; i<pIndex; i++ ){ System.out.print(pVehicles[i]+" "); } }else{ System.out.println("根本没有租辣!"+"\n"); } System.out.print("\n"+"可载货的车:"); if(totalC!=0){ System.out.print("(可载"+totalC+"吨)"+"\n"); for(int i = 0; i<cIndex; i++){ System.out.print(cVehicles[i]+" "); } }else{ System.out.print("根本没有租辣!"); } }else{ System.out.println("而且你要支付我咨询费100块!"); } }else if(inputNum1 == 0){ System.out.println("好吧。。。白白!"); }else{ System.out.println("按错辣!╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭!粗去重新来!"); } } } class Vehicle { String name; int passangersNum; int cargoNum; int price; //set the initial paramater. Vehicle(String vName,int pNum,int cNum,int vPrice){ name = vName; passangersNum = pNum; cargoNum = cNum; price = vPrice; }; //judge what it carrys. void action(int pnum,int cnum){ if(pnum != 0){ System.out.print("载客:" + pnum + "人"); } if(cnum != 0){ System.out.print("载货"+ cnum + "吨"); } } }
Java入门第二季 升级版
530803 学习 · 6091 问题