2016-02-14 12:17
linux 命令:在哪里可以找到最新的官方标准版命令呢?好像不同的linux的命令有些是不通用的!
//shutdown 关机命令/重启/取消
(root 权限)
shutdown /*好慢,要等一会*/
sudo shutdown -h now
sudo poweroff
sudo halt
shutdown -r
sudo shutdown -r now
sudo reboot
shutdown -c
sudo shutdown -c
For Ubuntu 15.04 and later:
(This is due to Ubuntu's shift in using systemd instead of Upstart)
systemctl poweroff
systemctl reboot
systemctl suspend
systemctl hibernate
systemctl hybrid-sleep
Since hibernate is normally disabled by default in Ubuntu systems, you can enable this by checking this answer: http://askubuntu.com/a/617254/101985
在Ubuntu Server下搭建LAMP环境
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