我正在为一名推销员开发一个 Python 项目。该项目根据每周的工作时间和每周销售佣金的百分比计算工资,并将它们加在一起得到销售员的每周总工资。我遇到的问题是将销售额除以他们从每次销售中获得的百分比。错误是“无法分配给操作员”
#Prompt user for the number of hours worked that week
hours_worked = int(input("How many hours did you work this week? \n"))
#Define hourly wage
per_hour = 30
#Multiply the hourly wage and hours worked that week
total_hours_pay = hours_worked * per_hour
#Prompt user for the number of sales made that week
sales_made = int(input("How many sales did you make this week? \n"))
#Amount of each sale
sales = 250
#Determine commission of each sale
25 / sales = commission
#Multiply the commission times the amount of sales made to retrieve amount of total commission pay
total_sales_pay = sales_made * commission
#Add total commission pay from sales with the total hours pay to get the weekly total
total_week_pay = total_sales_pay + total_hours_pay