

我有一个带有多个字形的散景图和一个 JavaScript 回调函数,该函数根据鼠标在图中悬停的位置混合其他字形。



我的想法是编写一个 java 脚本回调函数来更改绘图之外的 div 文本,但我不确定这是否可能或如何实现。


这是一些我想动态更改的 div 示例代码:

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, CustomJS, HoverTool, Div, Spacer

from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show

from bokeh.layouts import row


# define some points and a little graph between them

x = [2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 7]

y = [6, 4, 3, 8, 7, 5]

links = {

    0: [1, 2],

    1: [0, 3, 4],

    2: [0, 5],

    3: [1, 4],

    4: [1, 3],

    5: [2, 3, 4]


p = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, tools="", toolbar_location=None, title='Hover over points')

source = ColumnDataSource({'x0': [], 'y0': [], 'x1': [], 'y1': []})

sr = p.segment(x0='x0', y0='y0', x1='x1', y1='y1', color='olive', alpha=0.6, line_width=3, source=source, )

cr = p.circle(x, y, color='olive', size=30, alpha=0.4, hover_color='olive', hover_alpha=1.0)

# Add a hover tool, that sets the link data for a hovered circle

code = """

const links = %s

const data = {'x0': [], 'y0': [], 'x1': [], 'y1': []}

const indices = cb_data.index.indices


for (var i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {

    const start = indices[i]

    for (var j = 0; j < links[start].length; j++) {

        const end = links[start][j]







segment.data = data

""" % links

callback = CustomJS(args={'circle': cr.data_source, 'segment': sr.data_source}, code=code)

p.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, callback=callback, renderers=[cr]))

div = Div(text="""<br>

Here is were I want to display some additional information about the point that is currently hovered over.""",

width=200, height=100)

show(row(p,Spacer(width=20), div))

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我想到了:from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, CustomJS, HoverTool, Div, Spacerfrom bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, showfrom bokeh.layouts import rowoutput_file("hover_callback.html")# define some points and a little graph between themx = [2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 7]y = [6, 4, 3, 8, 7, 5]links = {&nbsp; &nbsp; 0: [1, 2],&nbsp; &nbsp; 1: [0, 3, 4],&nbsp; &nbsp; 2: [0, 5],&nbsp; &nbsp; 3: [1, 4],&nbsp; &nbsp; 4: [1, 3],&nbsp; &nbsp; 5: [2, 3, 4]}p = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, tools="", toolbar_location=None, title='Hover over points')source = ColumnDataSource({'x0': [], 'y0': [], 'x1': [], 'y1': []})sr = p.segment(x0='x0', y0='y0', x1='x1', y1='y1', color='olive', alpha=0.6, line_width=3, source=source, )cr = p.circle(x, y, color='olive', size=30, alpha=0.4, hover_color='olive', hover_alpha=1.0)# Add a hover tool, that sets the link data for a hovered circlecode = """const links = %sconst data = {'x0': [], 'y0': [], 'x1': [], 'y1': []}const indices = cb_data.index.indicesconsole.log(cb_data.index.indices)for (var i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {&nbsp; &nbsp; const start = indices[i]&nbsp; &nbsp; for (var j = 0; j < links[start].length; j++) {&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; const end = links[start][j]&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; data['x0'].push(circle.data.x[start])&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; data['y0'].push(circle.data.y[start])&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; data['x1'].push(circle.data.x[end])&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; data['y1'].push(circle.data.y[end])&nbsp; &nbsp; }}segment.data = data""" % linkscallback = CustomJS(args={'circle': cr.data_source, 'segment': sr.data_source}, code=code)p.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, callback=callback, renderers=[cr]))div = Div(text="""<br>Here is were I want to display some additional information about the point that is currently hovered over.""",width=200, height=100)new_code = """console.log(div_object.text)const indices = cb_data.index.indicesconsole.log(indices)if (indices == undefined || indices.length == 0){{&nbsp; &nbsp; div_object.text = ""}}else {{&nbsp; &nbsp; div_object.text = " currently point with index <b>" + indices.toString(10) + "</b> is selected. Here follows a very long description... <br> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare metus at justo semper finibus. Donec malesuada ut nisl ac convallis. Nulla laoreet in metus non dictum. In odio libero, elementum sit amet mi vitae, iaculis tincidunt sem. Quisque eget auctor massa. Nunc pulvinar cursus eros vitae bibendum. Integer vitae pharetra nulla. Integer vitae iaculis ligula. Cras elementum neque magna, posuere semper leo iaculis nec. Curabitur vel neque ut massa efficitur luctus. In at enim sed est pulvinar rhoncus. Aliquam dictum venenatis interdum. Pellentesque accumsan imperdiet varius."}}"""callback = CustomJS(args={'div_object': div}, code=new_code)p.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, callback=callback, renderers=[cr]))show(row(p,Spacer(width=20), div))



