如果您在元素上使用position: fixed或position: absolutestyle 属性newthing,则可以使用left和top属性在框周围移动元素。如果您从触发事件(例如单击)获取鼠标坐标,则可以将适当的left和添加top到您的元素中。下面的例子:function createInput(event){ var newthing = document.createElement("input"); document.getElementById("adivthing").appendChild(newthing); // Your existing code // get the coordinates of the mouse var x = event.clientX; // get the horizontal coordinate var y = event.clientY; // get the vertical coordinate // position newthing using the coordinates newthing.style.position = "fixed"; // fixes el relative to page. Could use absolute. newthing.style.left = x + "px"; newthing.style.top = y + "px";}/* Optional - Making new things more obvious in the pen */input{ height: 10px; width: 50px; background: red;}#adivthing{ height: 600px; width: 600px; background: blue;}<!-- Onclick event added to your existing markup --><div id="adivthing" onclick="createInput(event)"></div>