我倾向于避免使用,reduce因为我发现很难阅读其中的代码reduce。所以,这里有一个non-reduce方法。const data = [ { parentsList: [ "Assets", "Icons" ], }, { parentsList: [ "Assets", "Fonts" ], }, { parentsList: [ "Programming", "JavaScript", "Docs" ], }, { parentsList: [ "Programming", "JavaScript", "React", "Libraries", ], },];const processedData = [];for (const item of data) { const parents = [...item.parentsList].reverse(); let children = processedData; const ids = []; while (parents.length > 0) { const parent = parents.pop(); ids.push(parent.toLowerCase()); let foundParent = false; for (const child of children) { if (child.name === parent) { children = child.children; foundParent = true; break; } } if (!foundParent) { const newChild = {name: parent, id: ids.join("/"), children: [],}; children.push(newChild); children = newChild.children; } }}console.log(processedData);
forEach您可以将其作为和 的组合来执行此操作reduce,并基于parentsList数组创建嵌套层次结构。const data = [{"parentsList":["Assets","Icons"]},{"parentsList":["Assets","Fonts"]},{"parentsList":["Programming","JavaScript","Docs"]},{"parentsList":["Programming","JavaScript","React","Libraries"]}]const result = []data.forEach(function({ parentsList, ...rest }) { let id = ''; parentsList.reduce((r, name, i) => { id += (id.length ? '/' : '') + name.toLowerCase(); if (!r[name]) { const value = { id, name } r[name] = {result: []} if (i != parentsList.length - 1) { value.children = r[name].result } else { Object.assign(value, rest) } r.result.push(value) } return r[name] }, this)}, {result})console.log(result)
使用嵌套对象作为哈希表的简短方法。const data = [{ parentsList: ["Assets", "Icons"] }, { parentsList: ["Assets", "Fonts"] }, { parentsList: ["Programming", "JavaScript", "Docs"] }, { parentsList: ["Programming", "JavaScript", "React", "Libraries"] }], tree = data.reduce((t, { parentsList }) => { parentsList.reduce((r, name, i, a) => { const id = a.slice(0, i + 1).join('/').toLowerCase(); if (!r[name]) { r[name] = { _: { name, id } }; (r._.children ??= []).push(r[name]._); } return r[name]; }, t); return t; }, { _: {} })._.children;console.log(tree);.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }