当数据库中没有歌曲时,它仅通过后退按钮显示空结果。它无法显示回声“抱歉!” 我们的数据库中没有这首歌。
// Php code that fetches audio from the database in server and shows the audio files with singers available for the submitted data
// In submission page DROPDOWN consists of Playlist name and TEXTBOX allows to type the song number for that playlist.
// Standard format for the audio file stored in the databse is Songnumber-Playlistname-Singer's Shortname.mp3
// MP3 files will be inside the AUDIO folder and this PHP code runs from the root folder where there is index.html file for data submission.
// Valid song Numbers of Each Playlists that user choose
$validsongnumbers = [
'Rock' => 3,
'Pop' => 5,
'Jazz' => 6
// Data captured from dropdown submitted by a user in homepage
$PlaylistName = $_POST['Dropdown'];
$songNumber = $_POST['songnumber'];
// Check the playlist exists
if (!array_key_exists($PlaylistName, $validsongnumbers)) {
echo 'Invalid playlist provided.';
// Check the song number is not greater than what is allowed
if ((int)$songNumber > $validsongnumbers[$PlaylistName]) {
echo 'Invalid song number provided.';