
Symfony5 项目的 Phan/phan 配置

我是静态分析新手,我正在尝试在当前项目中使用 phan/phan 。

我的 phan/config.php 如下。



 * This configuration will be read and overlaid on top of the

 * default configuration. Command-line arguments will be applied

 * after this file is read.


return [

    // Supported values: `'5.6'`, `'7.0'`, `'7.1'`, `'7.2'`, `'7.3'`,

    // `'7.4'`, `null`.

    // If this is set to `null`,

    // then Phan assumes the PHP version which is closest to the minor version

    // of the php executable used to execute Phan.


    // Note that the **only** effect of choosing `'5.6'` is to infer

    // that functions removed in php 7.0 exist.

    // (See `backward_compatibility_checks` for additional options)

    // TODO: Set this.

    'target_php_version' => null,

    // A list of directories that should be parsed for class and

    // method information. After excluding the directories

    // defined in exclude_analysis_directory_list, the remaining

    // files will be statically analyzed for errors.


    // Thus, both first-party and third-party code being used by

    // your application should be included in this list.

    'directory_list' => [




    // A regex used to match every file name that you want to

    // exclude from parsing. Actual value will exclude every

    // "test", "tests", "Test" and "Tests" folders found in

    // "vendor/" directory.

    'exclude_file_regex' => '@^vendor/.*/(tests?|Tests?)/@',

    // A directory list that defines files that will be excluded

    // from static analysis, but whose class and method

    // information should be included.


    // Generally, you'll want to include the directories for

    // third-party code (such as "vendor/") in this list.


似乎 phan 无法检测到 Symfony 供应商,我想知道如何纠正它?

我正在 Symfony 5 项目中使用 php 7.4

浏览 110回答 1


我发现了,问题出在以下几行:'directory_list' => [&nbsp; &nbsp; 'src',&nbsp; &nbsp; 'vendor/symfony/console',],这是直接取自 Phan 示例配置的,但由于目录列表中仅包含文件夹“vendor/symfony/console”,Phan 无法知道其他 Symfony 组件。我已将其替换为:'directory_list' => [&nbsp; &nbsp; 'src',&nbsp; &nbsp; 'vendor',],通过包含整个供应商目录,它被解析并且 Phan 知道 src 中使用的每个供应商对象。正如 Leprechaun 提到的,我遇到了另一个问题,注释没有被 phan 正确解析,并且必须包含以下插件'plugins' => [&nbsp; &nbsp; 'vendor/drenso/phan-extensions/Plugin/Annotation/SymfonyAnnotationPlugin.php'],现在可以了。


看起来这是已知问题:&nbsp;https ://github.com/phan/phan/issues/1757在此 Github 问题中,他们建议使用 Phan 扩展:https://github.com/Drenso/PhanExtensions#annotationsymfonyannotationplugin或者尝试使用 PHPStan 或 Psalm。