在这种情况下我需要互斥量吗?我正在用一个 goroutine 刷新令牌,该令牌在另一个 goroutine 中使用。换句话说,我的令牌是否会在某个时候为空,以便响应为401?
如果是,它是结构的一部分c *threatq还是一个简单的变量,我的意思是,我的代码中的一个“独立”变量。
// IndicatorChannelIterator returns indicators from ThreatQ into a channel.
func (c *threatq) IndicatorChannelIterator() (<-chan *models.Indicator, error) {
// Authenticate
token, err := c.authenticate(c.clientID, c.email, c.password)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error while authenticating to TQ : %s", err)
// Periodically refresh the token
ticker := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Minute)
go func() {
for range ticker.C {
token, err = c.authenticate(c.clientID, c.email, c.password)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Error while authenticating to TQ : %s", err)
// Prepare the query
query := &Query{}
// Get the first page
firstTQResponse, err := c.advancedSearch(query, token, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error while getting the first page from TQ : %s", err)
// Create the channel
indicators := make(chan *models.Indicator)
// Request the others
go func() {
req := 1
total := firstTQResponse.Total
for offset := 0; offset < total; offset += c.perPage {
// Search the indicators
tqResponse, err := c.advancedSearch(query, token, offset)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Error while getting the indicators from TQ : %s", err)