我导入了一个 json 文件并为超级大米的大米银行帐户创建了一个 while 循环。我在父代码下创建 def 但遇到错误:TypeError: withdraw_money() missing 1 required positional argument: 'amount'。我还尝试为每个子类设置新的一周新值,这些子类将为超级大米帐户和预付附加 500,为普通大米 A 附加 0。由于错误,我被 SuperRiceAccount.withdraw_money(amount) 困住了,我仍然需要找出新一周的功能。谁能帮我?
class BaseAccount:
def __init__(self, account_id, account_type, full_name, birthday, balance,amount=500):
self.account_id = account_id
self.account_type = account_type
self.full_name = full_name
self.birthday = birthday
self.balance = balance
self.amount = amount
def account_info(self):
for p in data ['accounts']:
print('You have successfully withdrawn 500 grams from the account.')
print('Account ID:' + p['account_id'])
print('Account Type:' + p['account_type'])
print('Full Name:' + p['full_name'])
print('Birthday:' + p['birthday'])
print('Balance: ' + self.balance + ' left')
def withdraw_money(self, amount):
self.balance = self.balance - amount(500)
for p in data['accounts']:
print('You have successfully withdrawn 500 grams from the account.')
print('Account ID:' + p['account_id'])
print('Account Type:' + p['account_type'])
print('Full Name:' + p['full_name'])
print('Birthday:' + p['birthday'])
print('Balance: ' + self.balance + ' left')
def new_week(self):
class SuperRiceAccount(BaseAccount):
def __init__(self, account_id, account_type, full_name, birthday, balance):
super().__init__(account_id, account_type, full_name, birthday, balance)
if self.balance >= 2000:
print ('You still have ', self.balance, ' left.')
print('You do not have enough balance.')
def new_week(self):
if initial_balance < 2000:
self.balance = self.balance + 500
print('Your new balance is ', self.balance, ' left')