错误:无效操作:无法调用非函数 fn(MapFunc 约束的 MF 类型变量)
package main
import "fmt"
// MapFunc constraint used in Funcy
type MapFunc interface {
func(s string, ss []string) []string | func(s string, ss []string) []bool
// MapFuncType used for Funcy return constraint
type MapFuncType interface {
string | bool
// Funcy preforms map operation on generic map functions
func Funcy[MF MapFunc, MFT MapFuncType](s string, ss []string, fn MF) []MFT {
return fn(s, ss)
// error: invalid operation: cannot call non-function fn (variable of type
// MF constrained by MapFunc)
// appendTo adds given string to the end of each index of given slice of strings
// Ex. appendTo("_", []string{"append", "to"}) --> []string{"append_", "to_"}
func appendTo(s string, ss []string) []string {
var slice []string
for _, v := range ss {
slice = append(slice, v+s)
return slice
// isMatch checks given string against each index in given string slice for a
// match
// Ex. isMatch("hi", []string{"hello", "hi"}) --> []bool{false, true}
func isMatch(s string, ss []string) []bool {
var slice []bool
for _, v := range ss {
slice = append(slice, s == v)
return slice
func main() {
slice1 := []string{"append", "to"}
slice2 := []string{"hello", "hi"}
fmt.Println(Funcy(slice1, appendTo))
// want: []string{"append_", "to_"}
// got: error: cannot infer MFT
fmt.Println(Funcy(slice2, isMatch))
//[]bool{false, true}
// got: error: cannot infer MFT