我能想到的最灵活的方法是使用杰克逊的JsonAnyGetter注释。它允许您向 Jackson 提供Map您的 pojo 状态的表示。从 a 中过滤值Map可以以迭代方式完成。Map从包含s的 a 中过滤值Map可以递归方式完成。这是我根据提供的问题构建的解决方案public class Claim { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>(); public Claim() { // may be populated from instance variables Map<String, String> person = new HashMap<>(); person.put("name", "Sam"); person.put("surname", "ngonma"); properties.put("person", person); Map<String, String> car = new HashMap<>(); car.put("make", "Toyota"); car.put("model", "yaris"); properties.put("car", car); } // nullify map values based on provided array public void filterProperties (String[] nullifyValues) { filterProperties(properties, nullifyValues); } // nullify map values of provided map based on provided array @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void filterProperties (Map<String, Object> properties, String[] nullifyValues) { // iterate all String-typed values // if value found in array arg, nullify it // (we iterate on keys so that we can put a new value) properties.keySet().stream() .filter(key -> properties.get(key) instanceof String) .filter(key -> Arrays.asList(nullifyValues).contains(properties.get(key))) .forEach(key -> properties.put(key, null)); // iterate all Map-typed values // call this method on value properties.values().stream() .filter(value -> value instanceof Map) .forEach(value -> filterProperties((Map<String, Object>)value, nullifyValues)); } // provide jackson with Map of all properties @JsonAnyGetter public Map<String, Object> getProperties() { return properties; }}测试方法public static void main(String[] args) { try { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Claim claim = new Claim(); claim.filterProperties(new String[]{"Sam", "Toyota"}); System.out.println(mapper.writeValueAsString(claim)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}输出{"car":{"model":"yaris","make":null},"person":{"surname":"ngonma","name":null}}