假设square_size是一个定义每边长度的 int 并且我们想要多个图像作为结果。下面的代码未经测试,但应该可以解决您的问题def parse_image(source, square_size): src = Image.open(source) width, height = src.size image_results = [] for x in range(0, width, square_size): # for y in range(0, height, square_size): top_left = (x, y) #left top of the rect bottom_right = (x+square_size, y+square_size) #right bottom of the rect #the current format is used, because it's the cheapest #way to explain a rectange, lookup Rects test = src.crop((top_left[1], top_left[0], bottom_right[0], bottom_right[1])) image_results.append(test) return image_results让我知道是否有任何问题!编辑,我受到一个候选答案的启发,这个解决方案奏效了。def parse_image(source, square_size, print_coords=False): src = Image.open(source) dimensions = src.size print(f"image dimensions: {src.size}") max_down = int(src.height/square_size) * square_size + square_size max_right = int(src.width/square_size) * square_size + square_size tl_x = 0 tl_y = 0 br_x = square_size br_y = square_size count=0 for y in range(square_size,max_down,square_size): for x in range(square_size,max_right,square_size): count +=1 sample = src.crop((tl_x,tl_y,br_x,br_y)) sample.save(f"{source[:-4]}_sample_{count}_x{tl_x}_y{tl_y}.jpg") if print_coords == True: print(f"image {count}: top-left (x,y): {(tl_x,tl_y)}, bottom-right (x,y): {(br_x,br_y)}") tl_x = x br_x = x + square_size tl_x =0 br_x = square_size tl_y = y br_y = y + square_size