我正在开发一个 Go REST API 项目,在该项目中我收到一个具有不同间隔的 POST 请求。这反映了一家商店的营业时间,这里是一个例子:
"intervals": [
"day": "1600347600",
"starthours": "800",
"endhours": "1200"
"day": "1600434000",
"starthours": "1300",
"endhours": "1700"
"day": "1600520400",
"starthours": "800",
"endhours": "1200"
我向 Google 发出请求的代码如下:
// Some code to get the token
//We treat every interval obj sent on the params
if len(sc.Intervals) > 0 {
for _, i := range sc.Intervals {
//This is a necessary step as the format of the dates that the client gives me
dStart, dEnd, err := getDateStartAndEnd(i)
if err != nil {
return responseInterval, err
//0. build search criteria
var query = events.SearchCriteria{
Email: sc.Owner.Email,
FreeBussyQuery: calendar.FreeBusyRequest{
TimeMin: dStart.Format(time.RFC3339),
TimeMax: dEnd.Format(time.RFC3339),
isFree, err := calendarService.Freebusy.Query(setCalendarId(query)).Do()
if err != nil {
//In this function I do two things, get all the "slots" of 15m availables
//in an given interval, then compare them to the bussy answer of Google
//to fill a new slice with free "slots"
freeIntervales := findFreeIntervales(isFree,dStart,dEnd)
responseInterval.Interval = append(responseInterval.Interval,freeIntervales)
虽然我承认这可能不是最有效的算法,但我的主要问题是,假设有 8 个间隔,我的请求需要 5 秒才能执行。