我似乎无法在任何地方找到答案。我正在尝试计算 FTP 文件夹中满足特定条件的文件数。我正在使用以下内容:
* Filename examples:
* Store Evaluation_10950_2019-12-03_6980.pdf
* Store Survey_13532_2019-11-29.pdf
$file_list = ftp_nlist($ftp_connection, ".");
$currentDate = date('Y-m');
$countFiles = count($file_list);
// Title of Completed Evaluatons
echo '<strong>'.$countFiles.' Completed Evaluations:</strong><br><br>';
foreach($file_list as $file) {
//Only get Current Month PDF files
if ((strpos($file, '.pdf') !== false) && (strpos($file, 'Store Evaluation') !== false) && (strpos($file, $currentDate) !== false)) {
// Remove Store Evaluation_ from string
$strippedEvals1 = ltrim($eval, 'Store Evaluation_');
// Remove store number from string
$strippedEvals2 = strstr($strippedEvals1, '_');
// Remove _ from string
$strippedEvals3 = str_replace('_','',$strippedEvals2);
// Remove everything after the date in string
$strippedEvalDate = substr_replace($strippedEvals3 ,"", -8);
// Get just the store number
$strippedEvalStoreNum = substr($strippedEvals1, 0, strpos($strippedEvals1, "_"));
// Print store number and date
echo "<strong>".$strippedEvalStoreNum."</strong> (".$strippedEvalDate.")<br>";
我试图$countFiles = count(strpos($file_list, '.pdf'));只测试一个条件,但这没有产生任何结果。解决这个问题的正确方法是什么?