func (provider *Cache) GetItem(productId string, skuId string, itemType string) (*Item, error) {
// First, create the key we'll use to uniquely identify the item
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", productId, skuId)
// Now, attempt to get the concurrency control associated with the item key
// If we couldn't find it then create one and add it to the map
var once *sync.Once
if entry, ok := provider.lockMap.Load(key); ok {
once = entry.(*sync.Once)
} else {
once = &sync.Once{}
provider.lockMap.Store(key, once)
// Now, use the concurrency control to attempt to request the item
// but only once. Channel any errors that occur
cErr := make(chan error, 1)
once.Do(func() {
// We didn't find the item in the cache so we'll have to get it from the partner-center
item, err := provider.client.GetItem(productId, skuId)
if err != nil {
cErr <- err
// Add the item to the cache
provider.cache.Store(key, &item)
// Attempt to read an error from the channel; if we get one then return it
// Otherwise, pull the item out of the cache. We have to use the select here because this is
// the only way to attempt to read from a channel without it blocking
var sku interface{}
select {
case err, ok := <-cErr:
if ok {
return nil, err
item, _ = provider.cache.Load(key)
// Now, pull out a reference to the item and return it
return item.(*Item), nil
var _ = Describe("Item Tests", func() {
It("GetItem - Not cached, two concurrent requests - Client called once", func() {
// setup cache
我遇到的问题是,有时这个测试会失败,因为请求计数是 2,而在注释行中预期它是 1。此故障不一致,我不太确定如何调试此问题。任何帮助将不胜感激。