我最近问了几个问题,因为我正在尝试制作基于 HTML5/CSS/JavaScript 的增量游戏,我遇到了一个障碍,想知道如果可能的话,是否有人可以提供一些帮助。
即标签 1 | 主页 // 标签 2 | 村庄 // Tab 3 | 研究等
现在,当每个选项卡在下方单击时,它们将是“h3”标签中的选项卡标题,然后在该“h3”选项卡标题“h3”下方,我想根据位于的变量编号显示不同的故事内容javascript 文件唯一的问题是我不确定如何让 html 文件检查 javascript 文件中的某个变量,以便告诉 html 文件在单击该选项卡时要显示故事情节的哪一部分。
因此,总而言之,当 javasctipt 变量等效于 X 时,我正在寻找一种在每个“html 选项卡”中显示故事内容的方法
<div id="clearing" class="tabcontent">
<h3>The Clearing</h3>
{if JS Variable === 1
<p>You wake up to find yourself in a strange clearing unaware of what has happened to you.
You scramble around with blurred vision feeling a crunch under your bare feet as you stumble around...
"Ugh... Where am I..., What on earth happened to me?"</p>
<p>You continue scrambling around and you hear faint noises in the distance...</p>
{if JS Variable === 2
<p>You make it back to the clearing after being greeted by the local population and you try
to work out what your next step will be, For now though you going to need some shelter
because it look's like it's going to rain quite heavily and you don't want to be caught
outside in that.</p>