我用 Python 编写了这个静态方法来进行广度优先搜索。但是,我主要使用Java,我想了解数据结构如何转换为Java,给定泛型等。我的代码是:
def bfs(graph, start_vertex, target_value):
path = [start_vertex] #a list that contains start_vertex
vertex_and_path = [start_vertex, path] #a list that contains start_vertex and path
bfs_queue = [vertex_and_path]
visited = set() #visited defined as an empty set
while bfs_queue: #while the queue is not empty
current_vertex, path = bfs_queue.pop(0) #removes element from queue and sets both equal to that first element
visited.add(current_vertex) #adds current vertex to visited list
for neighbor in graph[current_vertex]: #looks at all neighboring vertices
if neighbor not in visited: #if neighbor is not in visited list
if neighbor is target_value: #if it's the target value
return path + [neighbor] #returns path with neighbor appended
bfs_queue.append([neighbor, path + [neighbor]]) #recursive call with path that has neighbor appended
myGraph = { //I'm not sure how to structure this in Java
'lava': set(['sharks', 'piranhas']),
'sharks': set(['lava', 'bees', 'lasers']),
'piranhas': set(['lava', 'crocodiles']),
'bees': set(['sharks']),
'lasers': set(['sharks', 'crocodiles']),
'crocodiles': set(['piranhas', 'lasers'])
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println(bfs(myGraph, "crocodiles", "bees"));