您必须在类中添加 validateCarType 方法。您的类中没有定义任何方法。把这个方法放在你的班级里。 private static char validateCarType(char carType) { //here is your code return '0'; }有一些拼写错误。改变double extraPricec = 0.0;到double extraPrice = 0.0;并在“G”案例后添加一个中断。case 'G': extraPrice = 12.90; break;// that was missing当你再次调用函数拼写错误时printLineofChars('*', 60);//O is in uppercase到printLineOfChars('*', 60);下面的代码在我的 IDE 中运行良好:import java.util.Scanner;public class CarWash { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); String name = " "; String runProgram = " "; int washType = 0; char carType = ' '; char extras = ' '; double basicPrice = 0.0; double adder = 0.0; double extraPrice = 0.0; double totalPrice = 0.0; final double SHINE_PRICE = 4.95; final double MAT_PRICE = 8.95; final double CWAX = 7.95; System.out.println("Welcome to the Car Wsh"); System.out.println("Enter Yes to start the program or No to quit."); runProgram = keyboard.nextLine(); runProgram = runProgram.toLowerCase(); while (runProgram.equals("yes")) { //Getting user input System.out.println("Please enter your name"); name = keyboard.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please choose the type of car wash:"); System.out.println("1. Pleasant Colony - sedan $34.95 SUV $35.95"); System.out.println("2. Secretariat - sedan $24.95 SUV $25.95"); System.out.println("3. Gallant Fox - sedan $19.95 SUV $20.95"); System.out.println("4. Pony Express - sedan $14.95 SUV $15.95"); System.out.println("5. Win - $12.95"); System.out.println("6. Show - $8.95"); washType = keyboard.nextInt(); keyboard.nextLine(); //Input validation loop for washType while (washType < 1 || washType > 6) //this works //while (washType != 1 && washType !=2 && washType !=3 && washType !=4 && washType !=5 && washType != 6)//This works { System.out.println("Invalid data."); System.out.println("Please enter a value from 1 to 6."); washType = keyboard.nextInt(); keyboard.nextLine(); }//end washType while System.out.println("Please enter a S for Sedan or V for SUV."); carType = keyboard.nextLine().charAt(0); carType = Character.toUpperCase(carType); //validation method for carType validateCarType(carType); //below presents 2 different menus to the user for extras if (washType == 1 || washType == 2) { System.out.println("Please choose the extras:"); System.out.println("A. No Extras $0.00"); System.out.println("B. Mat Shampoo $8.95"); System.out.println("C. Carnauba Wax $7.95"); System.out.println("D. Both Mat Shampoo and Carnauba Wax $16.90"); //On the BB document, you put E, so I changed it to D }//end washType if else { System.out.println("Please choose the extras:"); System.out.println("A. No Extras $0.00"); System.out.println("B. Mat Shampoo $8.95"); System.out.println("C. Carnauba Wax $7.95"); System.out.println("D. Tire Shine $4.95"); System.out.println("E. Both Mat Shampoo and Carnauba Wax $16.90"); System.out.println("F. Both Mat Shampoo and tire Shine $13.90"); System.out.println("G. Both Carnauba Wax and Tire Shine $12.90"); System.out.println("H. All: Mat Shampoo and Carnauba Wax and Tire Shine $21.85"); }//end else extras = keyboard.nextLine().charAt(0); extras = Character.toUpperCase(extras); //Validation loop for extras while (extras != 'A' && extras != 'B' && extras != 'C' && extras != 'D' && extras != 'E' && extras != 'F' && extras != 'G' && extras != 'H') //This works { System.out.println("Invalid data."); System.out.println("Please enter either A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H."); extras = keyboard.nextLine().charAt(0); extras = Character.toUpperCase(extras); }//end Invalid extras while //determines basicPrice based on washType basicPrice = setBasicPrice(washType); //determines adder based on carType adder = setAdderPrice(carType); //determines extraPrice based on extras switch (extras) { case 'A': extraPrice = 0.0; break; case 'B': extraPrice = MAT_PRICE; //extraPrice = 8.95; break; case 'C': extraPrice = CWAX; //extraPrice = 7.95; break; case 'D': extraPrice = SHINE_PRICE; break; case 'E': extraPrice = 16.90; break; case 'F': extraPrice = 13.90; break; case 'G': extraPrice = 12.90; case 'H': extraPrice = 21.85; break; default: extraPrice = 0.0; break; }//end extras switch //method to calculate totalPrice totalPrice = calcTotalPrice(basicPrice, adder, extraPrice); //method to print a horizontal line of characters printLineOfChars('*', 60); //method to display results displayResults(name, washType, carType, basicPrice, adder, extraPrice, totalPrice); //method to print a horizontal line of characters printLineOfChars('*', 60); //give the user a chance to run the program again or quit System.out.println("Please enter Yes to run the program again or No to quit."); runProgram = keyboard.nextLine(); runProgram = runProgram.toLowerCase(); }//end runProgram while System.out.println("Thanks for using the Car Wash Program."); }//end main private static void validateCarType(char carType) { } //calctotalPrice method calculates the total price public static double calcTotalPrice(double myBasicPrice, double myAdder, double myExtraPrice) { double myTotalPrice = 0.0; myTotalPrice = myBasicPrice + myAdder + myExtraPrice; return myTotalPrice; }//end double calcTotalPrice() method //printLineOfChars method prints a horizozntal line of chars public static void printLineOfChars(char myCharacter, int myLoopCounter) { for (int i = 0; i <= myLoopCounter; i++) { System.out.print(myCharacter); }//end for System.out.println(); }//end printLineOfChars() public static void displayResults(String myName, int myWashType, char myCarType, double myBasicPrice, double myAdder, double myExtraPrice, double myTotalPrice) { //display results System.out.printf("%-35s%10s\n", "Customer Name", myName); System.out.printf("%-35s%10s\n", "Car Wash Chosen", myWashType); System.out.printf("%-35s%10s\n", "Car Type", myCarType); System.out.printf("%-35s%10.2f\n", "Basic Price: ", myBasicPrice); System.out.printf("%-35s%10.2f\n", "Adder: ", myAdder); System.out.printf("%-35s%10.2f\n", "Extras: ", myExtraPrice); System.out.printf("%-35s%10.2f\n", "Total Price: ", myTotalPrice); }//end displayresults() method //setAdderPrice method calculates the adder public static double setAdderPrice(char myCarType) { double myAdder = 0.0; if (myCarType == 'S') { myAdder = 0.00; }//end if else { myAdder = 1.00; }//end else return myAdder; }//end setAdderPrice() method //setBasicPrice method sets the basic price based on washType public static double setBasicPrice(int myWashType) { double myBasicPrice = 0.0; switch (myWashType) { case 1: myBasicPrice = 34.95; break; case 2: myBasicPrice = 24.95; break; case 3: myBasicPrice = 19.95; break; case 4: myBasicPrice = 14.95; break; case 5: myBasicPrice = 12.95; break; case 6: myBasicPrice = 8.95; break; default: myBasicPrice = 0.0; }//end Swtich (myWashType) return myBasicPrice; }//end setBasicPrice() method}这是我运行这个程序时的输出:Welcome to the Car WshEnter Yes to start the program or No to quit.yesPlease enter your namekhalidPlease choose the type of car wash:1. Pleasant Colony - sedan $34.95 SUV $35.952. Secretariat - sedan $24.95 SUV $25.953. Gallant Fox - sedan $19.95 SUV $20.954. Pony Express - sedan $14.95 SUV $15.955. Win - $12.956. Show - $8.951Please enter a S for Sedan or V for SUV.SPlease choose the extras:A. No Extras $0.00B. Mat Shampoo $8.95C. Carnauba Wax $7.95D. Both Mat Shampoo and Carnauba Wax $16.90A*************************************************************Customer Name khalidCar Wash Chosen 1Car Type SBasic Price: 34.95Adder: 0.00Extras: 0.00Total Price: 34.95*************************************************************Please enter Yes to run the program again or No to quit.