
如何为`pipe`d ES6函数生成JSDoc

我有一个 ES6 风格的函数,它使用带有asyncPipe.

import { getItemAsync } from 'expo-secure-store';

const asyncPipe = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce(async (y, f) => f(await y), x);

const getToken = () => getItemAsync('token');

const liftedGetToken = async ({ ...rest }) => ({

  token: await getToken(),



const liftedFetch = ({ body, route, token, method = 'GET' } = {}) =>

  fetch(route, {

    ...(body && { body: JSON.stringify(body) }),

    headers: {

      'Content-Type': 'application/json',

      ...(token && { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }),




const json = res => res.json();


 * @method

 * @param {Object} fetchSettings the settings for the fetch request

 * @param {Object} fetchSettings.body the body of the request

 * @param {string} fetchSettings.route the URL of the request

 * @param {string} fetchSettings.method the method of the request

 * @param {string} fetchSettings.token should only be used for testing and unauthenticated requests


const request = asyncPipe(liftedGetToken, liftedFetch, json);

如您所见,我尝试向其添加 JSDoc 描述。但是当我在我的编辑器 VSCode 的任何地方使用它时,不会建议它的参数。你如何用 JSDoc 声明这些类型的函数?以及如何获取此函数的参数以与 Intellisense 一起使用?

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VSCode 会尝试显示里面匿名函数的注释asyncPipe。如果在其中添加 JSDoc 注释,则可以看到以下行为:const asyncPipe = (...fns) =>  /**   * My asyncPipe description   * @param {Object} x Any object   */  x => fns.reduce(async (y, f) => f(await y), x);const request = asyncPipe(liftedGetToken, liftedFetch, json);不幸的是,JSDoc 中没有办法像您尝试那样覆盖匿名函数的文档。但是,您可以像这样将意图强制使用 VSCode,请注意,这会引入一个额外的函数调用:const doRequest = asyncPipe(liftedGetToken, liftedFetch, json);/** * @method * @param {Object} fetchSettings the settings for the fetch request * @param {Object} fetchSettings.body the body of the request * @param {string} fetchSettings.route the URL of the request * @param {string} fetchSettings.method the method of the request * @param {string} fetchSettings.token should only be used for testing and unauthenticated requests */const request = fetchSettings => doRequest(fetchSettings);


VSCode 在底层使用 TypeScript 引擎,它不擅长从函数组合中推断类型,并且如您所见,不会将无点组合识别为函数声明。如果您需要类型提示,您可以通过在组合函数周围包裹一个指向函数来指定组合函数的参数。我会这样写 - 注意:默认值使得类型提示不需要 JSDoc,但无论如何您可能希望保留 JSDoc 用于描述。还要确保由默认值回退引起的故障产生足够的错误消息。/**  * http request with JSON parsing and token management.  * @param {Object} fetchSettings the settings for the fetch request  * @param {Object} fetchSettings.body the body of the request  * @param {string} fetchSettings.route the URL of the request  * @param {string} fetchSettings.method the method of the request  * @param {string} fetchSettings.token should only be used for testing and unauthenticated requests  */const request = ({  body = {},  route = '',  method = 'GET',  token = ''}) => asyncPipe(liftedGetToken, liftedFetch, json)({  body, route, method, token});

