我正在用 Python 来回答这个问题,即一群外星人是否应该带来 500 万人口和 100 万资源负载 vs 1M 人口和 500 万负载......我试图找出哪个这两种选择将使 200 年后新星球上的人口最大化。这是我的代码:
def derivs3(y1, t):
c = P0 + R0
r = a / c
q = (a + b) / c
Pi = y1[0]
Ri = y1[1]
Wi = y1[2]
# the model equations
dPdt = q * Pi*Ri/(1+Wi)
dRdt = - q * Pi*Ri/(1+Wi) + (a / q) * Wi / (t + .0001)
dWdt = b
return [dPdt, dRdt, dWdt]
# model parameters
a = 0.02 # related to conversion of unallocated resources into population
b = 0.0001 # related to growth of knowledge
W0 = 0.0 # initial amount of knowledge
# time period
Tmax = 600 # years
这是我运行 odeint 并绘制结果的位置:
# Put your code here
t = np.arange(0, Tmax, 0.1)
P0 = 5
R0 = 1
y0 = [P0,R0,W0]
soln = odeint(derivs3, y0, t)
PSol = soln[:, 0]
RSol = soln[:, 1]
WSol = soln[:, 2]
P0 = 1
R0 = 5
y0 = [P0,R0,W0]
soln = odeint(derivs3, y0, t)
PSol2 = soln[:, 0]
RSol2 = soln[:, 1]
WSol2 = soln[:, 2]
plt.legend(("5Bil Aliens, 1Bil Resources","1Bil Aliens, 5Bil Resources"), loc='upper left', prop={'size':15}, bbox_to_anchor=(1,1))
plt.xlabel("time (years)")
plt.ylabel("Population (billions)")
plt.title("Populations vs. Time")
if PSol[200] > PSol2[200]:
print("To maximize population after 200 years (for a total of", round(PSol[200],2),"billion aliens), the aliens should take a population of 5 Billion Aliens, and a load of 1 Billion Resources.")
elif PSol[200] < PSol2[200]:
print("To maximize population after 200 years (for a total of", round(PSol2[200],2),"billion aliens), the aliens should take a population of 1 Billion Aliens, and a load of 5 Billion Resources.")
所以它返回以下打印语句,这些语句与我得到的图表不一致。这可能是索引的问题,但我使用 PSol[200] 和 PSol2[200] 因为我想知道如果他们想在 200 年后最大化人口,他们应该带多少外星人和资源。见下文(忽略大约 600 年的线,因为我没有调整它们,知道它们会返回相同的问题):