我对异步承诺递归感到头疼。我有一堆承诺在下载异步数据时解决(由 Promise.all 组合)。但有时在我刚刚下载的数据中有指向另一个数据的链接,那必须是下载(递归)。最好的解释是显示我猜的代码。注释在代码中。(我尝试了各种组合都无济于事。)
var urls = ['http://czyprzy.vdl.pl/file1.txt', 'http://czyprzy.vdl.pl/file2.txt', 'http://czyprzy.vdl.pl/file3.txt'];
var urlsPromise = [];
var secondPart = [];
var thirdPart = [];
function urlContent(url, number) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
var dl = request(url, function (err, resp, content) {
if (err || resp.statusCode >= 400) {
return resolve({number : number, url : url, error : 'err'});
if (!err && resp.statusCode == 200) {
if (content.indexOf('file') !== -1) // if there is 'file' inside content we need (would like to :) download this new file by recursion
content = content.slice(content.indexOf('file') + 4);
content =+ content; // (number to pass later on, so we know what file we are working on)
url = 'http://czyprzy.vdl.pl/file' + content + '.txt'; // (we build new address)
//urlsPromise.push(urlContent(url, content)); // this will perform AFTER Promise.all(urlsPromise) so we simply can't do recurention (like that) here
secondPart.push(urlContent(url, content)); // if we use another promise array that put resolved items to that array everything will work just fine - but only till first time, then we would need to add another (thirdPart) array and use another Promise.all(thirdPart)... and so on and so on... --- the problem is I don't know how many files there will be, so it means I have no idea how many 'parts' for Promise.all I need to create, some kind of asynchronous loop/recursion would save me here, but I don't know how to do that properly so the code can run in proper order
return resolve({number : number, url : url}); // this goes to 'urlsPromise' array
if (urls.length !== 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++)
{urlsPromise.push(urlContent(urls[i], i + 1));}