虽然@Amadan 的答案肯定是正确的(而且更短/更优雅),但在您的情况下它可能不是最有效的(当然,这取决于输入),因为np.where()将为每个匹配值生成一个整数索引。更有效的方法是生成布尔掩码。这有两个优点:(1) 通常内存效率更高 (2)[]运算符在掩码上通常比在整数列表上更快。为了说明这一点,我np.where()在玩具输入(但具有正确的大小)上重新实现了基于 -based 和基于掩码的解决方案。我还包含了一个np.log.at()基于 - 的解决方案,它也非常低效。import numpy as npdef log_matrices_where(matrices): return [np.where(matrix > 0, np.log(matrix), 0) for matrix in matrices]def log_matrices_mask(matrices): arr = np.array(matrices, dtype=float) mask = arr > 0 arr[mask] = np.log(arr[mask]) arr[~mask] = 0 # if the values are always positive this is not needed return [x for x in arr]def log_matrices_at(matrices): arr = np.array(matrices, dtype=float) np.log.at(arr, arr > 0) arr[~(arr > 0)] = 0 # if the values are always positive this is not needed return [x for x in arr]N = 1000matrices = [ np.arange((N * N)).reshape((N, N)) - N for _ in range(2)](一些健全性检查以确保我们在做同样的事情)# check that the result is the sameprint(all(np.all(np.isclose(x, y)) for x, y in zip(log_matrices_where(matrices), log_matrices_mask(matrices))))# Trueprint(all(np.all(np.isclose(x, y)) for x, y in zip(log_matrices_where(matrices), log_matrices_at(matrices))))# True以及我机器上的时间:%timeit log_matrices_where(matrices)# 33.8 ms ± 1.13 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)%timeit log_matrices_mask(matrices)# 11.9 ms ± 97 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)%timeit log_matrices_at(matrices)# 153 ms ± 831 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)编辑:另外包括np.log.at()解决方案和关于将log未定义的值归零的注释