
While 循环不断提示用户提供正确的输入类型

我有一个家庭作业问题,我需要在我的函数中添加一个 while 循环,如果最初输入的值不是数字,它将为用户提供 3 次额外的尝试输入另一个值。代码的原始功能是确定三角形或梯形的面积。

loopCount = 0

# The "while" statement keeps looping until its condition (loopCount<4) made False.

while loopCount<4:

    # loopCount will increase 1 for each loop

    loopCount += 1


    # This program calculates the area of a triangle or trapezoid

    # Statement: print function outputs the statement on screen  

    print("This program finds the area of a triangle or trapezoid.")


    # Module: math module imported

    import math

    # Determine the objects shape

    print("Please enter the shape from the following menu")

    print("Triangle = type 1")

    print("Trapezoid = type 2")

    # If user types a number other than 1 or 2, this will prompt them again to pick a valid choice

    user_input = 0

    while user_input not in (1,2) :

            user_input = int(input("Enter your choice: "))

    # Variables: asigns new value to a variable depending on which shape we are caluclating the area of

    if (user_input == 1):

        print("Alright, you want to calculate the area of a triangle: ")

        height = float(input("Please enter the height of the triangle: "))

        base = float(input("Please enter the base length of the triangle: "))

    if (user_input == 2):

        print("Alright, you want to calculate the area of a trapezoid: ")

        base_1 = float(input("Please enter the base length of the trapezoid: "))

        base_2 = float(input("Please enter the second base length of the trapezoid: "))

        height = float(input("Please enter the height of the trapezoid: "))

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您可以在输入上使用try/except来处理ValueError何时float()无法将值转换为浮点数或OverflowError“如果参数超出 Python 浮点数范围”。loopCount = 0while loopCount < 4:&nbsp; &nbsp; try:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; height = float(input("Please enter the height of the triangle: "))&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; break&nbsp; &nbsp; except:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; print("That is not a number.")&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; loopCount += 1&nbsp;if loopCount == 4:&nbsp; &nbsp; print("You failed to input valid values")&nbsp; &nbsp; # return with an error or maybe abort with sys.exit(1)else:&nbsp; &nbsp; print("Great! I can now compute stuff.")您可以一次检查try块内的所有输入(如果您不关心哪一个特别无效或者您不需要向用户指出它):loopCount = 0while loopCount < 4:&nbsp; &nbsp; try:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; base_1 = float(input("Please enter the base length of the trapezoid: "))&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; base_2 = float(input("Please enter the second base length of the trapezoid: "))&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; height = float(input("Please enter the height of the trapezoid: "))&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; break&nbsp; &nbsp; except:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; print("One of the inputs is not a number.")&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; loopCount += 1&nbsp;if loopCount == 4:&nbsp; &nbsp; print("You failed to input valid values")&nbsp; &nbsp; # return with an error or maybe abort with sys.exit(1)else:&nbsp; &nbsp; print("Great! I can now compute stuff.")为了避免大量重复try-except,我建议创建一个获取浮点输入(或所有输入)的方法,然后从您的主方法中调用它。

