我有同样的问题,但没有解决方案。我将其追溯到函数中MobileServiceHttpClient代码中的以下代码行SendRequestAsync(...)。// If there was supposed to be response content and there was not, throw if (ensureResponseContent){ long? contentLength = null; if (response.Content != null) { contentLength = response.Content.Headers.ContentLength; } if (contentLength == null || contentLength <= 0) { throw new MobileServiceInvalidOperationException("The server did not provide a response with the expected content.", request, response); }}看着response.Content.Headers.ContentLength它是null。将应用程序作为 2.0 Core 项目运行,该值已正确填写。奇怪的是内容在那里。如果您深入了解私有成员,其中一些已正确设置。catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException msioe){ //content will contain the correct json but the ContentLenth is null!?! string content = await msioe.Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();}这是一个 2.1 核心问题。希望他们修复它。