
C# 无递归计数项目



public class Apples


    // Counts iterations. If we eat less than we add new every, it'll loop infinetely!

    private static int _recursions;

    private static int _applesRemaining;

    private static int _applesEaten;

    public static int CountApples(int startingAmount, int newEvery)


        if (newEvery > startingAmount) newEvery = startingAmount;

        Console.WriteLine("startingAmount: " + startingAmount + ", newEvery: " + newEvery);

        _applesRemaining = startingAmount;

        /* Eat 'newEvery' amount */

        _applesRemaining -= newEvery;

        _applesEaten += newEvery;

        Console.WriteLine("Eat: " + newEvery + ", remaining: " + _applesRemaining);

        /* Get one additional candy */

        _applesRemaining += 1;

        Console.WriteLine("Added 1.");

        if (_applesRemaining > 1 && _recursions++ < 1000)


            CountApples(_applesRemaining, newEvery);




            if (_recursions > 1000) Console.WriteLine("ABORTED!");

            /* Eat the one we've just added last. */

            _applesEaten += 1;


        return _applesEaten;


    public static void Main(string[] args)


        Console.WriteLine(CountApples(10, 2) + "\n");






 * You are given startingAmount of Apples. Whenever you eat a certain number of

 * apples (newEvery), you get an additional apple.


 * What is the maximum number of apples you can eat?


 * For example, if startingAmount equals 3 and newEvery equals 2, you can eat 5 apples in total:


 * Eat 2. Get 1. Remaining 2.

 * Eat 2. Get 1. Remaining 1.

 * Eat 1.


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这个问题的递归似乎有点矫枉过正,所以我建议另一种数学方法。让我们从我们总是至少吃 X 个苹果的事实开始。真正的问题是在所有东西都吃完后总共会添加多少苹果。假设 ni 将是 i “吃”后剩余的苹果数量。然后:n0 = Xn1 = X - Y + 1n2 = X - 2Y + 2...ni = X - i(Y - 1)求解 ni = 0 将得到 i - 吃掉所有东西所需的“进食”次数:ni = 0 = X - i(Y - 1) => i = X / (Y - 1)现在我们知道要吃多少次了,所以要吃掉的苹果总数是原来的 X 加上吃掉 Y 个苹果的次数(因为每次这样做时我们都会得到一个额外的苹果):tot = X + roundDown(i) = X * roundDown(X / (Y - 1))我们将结果四舍五入,因为设置 ni = 0 捕获了部分“吃”,然后导致部分苹果。例子:X = 7, Y = 3 => tot = 7 + roundDown(7 / (3 - 1)) = 7 + roundDown(3.5) = 10starting with 7:0 eaten, 7 remain3 eaten, 1 gained, 5 remain3 eaten, 1 gained, 3 remain3 eaten, 1 gained, 1 remains1 eaten, nothing gained, nothing remains--10 eaten in total