要在 Visio 中获取 ShapeSheet 单元格的值,您必须对单元格的结果属性之一进行交互。import osimport win32com.clientfrom win32com.client import constants# this sample assumes that Visio is running, that the ActiveWindow# is a Drawing window and that the Selection.PrimaryItem# is a 'Decision' shape from the 'Basic Flowchart Shapes' stencil# get the running appappVisio = win32com.client.GetActiveObject("Visio.Application")# selection gets you the 1 or more selected shapes and# the PrimaryItem returns the main / primary item in that selection# or null if the selection is emptytargetShp = appVisio.ActiveWindow.Selection.PrimaryItem# set the celltargetShp.CellsU("Prop.Cost").FormulaU = "=2.50"# read the cell using its 'internal units' result propertyprint(targetShp.CellsU("Prop.Cost").ResultIU)