例子 :
df = pd.DataFrame({'date':
['2018-06-13', '2018-06-14', '2018-06-15', '2018-06-16'],
'gain': [[10, 12, 15],[14, 11, 15],[9, 10, 12], [6, 4, 2]],
'how': [['customer1', 'customer2', 'customer3'],
['customer4','customer5','customer6' ],
['customer7', 'customer8', 'customer9'],
['customer5', 'customer6', 'customer10'] ]}
df :
date gain how
0 2018-06-13 [10, 12, 15] [customer1, customer2, customer3]
1 2018-06-14 [14, 11, 15] [customer4, customer5, customer6]
2 2018-06-15 [9, 10, 12] [customer7, customer8, customer9]
3 2018-06-16 [6, 4, 2] [customer5, customer6, customer10]
I want to do a function that returns the last gain in the dataframe.
example :
for the customer5 = 6
for the customer4 = 14
for the customer20 = 'not found'