发生的一件糟糕的事情是“摇滚”有时不会产生任何结果。有时我会玩游戏,它会运行得很好,而其他时候循环会结束并且会玩零场比赛。如果可以的话,请在程序中使用代码,这样我就可以了解我的错误在哪里,然后我会感谢一些调整以使其有效。我认为 while 循环中嵌套条件的顺序是我正在努力解决的问题?请原谅语言。
"""Rock, Paper, Scissors Exercise 8"""
game= input("Are you ready to ply? Y or N: ").capitalize()
user1 = input("What's your name? ")
user2 = input("What's your name? ")
p1 = input(user1 + ": Rock, Paper, Scissors? ").lower()
p2 = input(user2 + ": Rock, Paper, Scissors? ").lower()
games_played = 0
while game == "Y":
if p1 == "rock":
if p2 == "rock":
print("It\'s a tie!")
game = input("Are you ready to ply? Y or N: ").capitalize()
p1_count += 1
p2_count += 1
games_played += 1
elif p2 == "scissors":
print(user2 + ", you got beat mothafucka!")
game = input("Are you ready to play? Y or N: ").capitalize()
p1_count += 1
games_played += 1
elif p2 == "paper":
print(user1 + ", you got beat mothafucka!")
game = input("Are you ready to play? Y or N: ").capitalize()
p2_count += 1
games_played += 1
elif p1 == "scissors":
if p2 == "scissors":
print("It\'s a tie!")
game = input("Are you ready to play? Y or N: ").capitalize()
p1_count += 1
p2_count += 1
games_played += 1
elif p2 == "paper":
print(user2 + ", you got beat mothafucka!")
game = input("Are you ready to play? Y or N: ").capitalize()
p1_count += 1
games_played += 1
elif p2 == "rock":
print(user1 + ", you got beat mothafucka!")
game = input("Are you ready to play? Y or N: ").capitalize()
p1_count += 1
games_played += 1