
关于postgresql 内置函数的帮助 ?如下所示


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在psql中可以用"\df *"(不带引号)命令可以列出所有内置函数信息


ABORT -- abort the current transactionALTER DATABASE -- change a databaseALTER GROUP -- add users to a group or remove users from a groupALTER TABLE -- change the definition of a tableALTER TRIGGER -- change the definition of a triggerALTER USER -- change a database user accountANALYZE -- collect statistics about a databaseBEGIN -- start a transaction blockCHECKPOINT -- force a transaction log checkpointCLOSE -- close a cursorCLUSTER -- cluster a table according to an indexCOMMENT -- define or change the comment of an objectCOMMIT -- commit the current transactionCOPY -- copy data between files and tablesCREATE AGGREGATE -- define a new aggregate functionCREATE CAST -- define a user-defined castCREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER -- define a new constraint triggerCREATE CONVERSION -- define a user-defined encoding conversionCREATE DATABASE -- create a new databaseCREATE DOMAIN -- define a new domainCREATE FUNCTION -- define a new functionCREATE GROUP -- define a new user groupCREATE INDEX -- define a new indexCREATE LANGUAGE -- define a new procedural languageCREATE OPERATOR -- define a new operatorCREATE OPERATOR CLASS -- define a new operator class for indexesCREATE RULE -- define a new rewrite ruleCREATE SCHEMA -- define a new schemaCREATE SEQUENCE -- define a new sequence generatorCREATE TABLE -- define a new tableCREATE TABLE AS -- create a new table from the results of a queryCREATE TRIGGER -- define a new triggerCREATE TYPE -- define a new data typeCREATE USER -- define a new database user accountCREATE VIEW -- define a new viewDEALLOCATE -- remove a prepared queryDECLARE -- define a cursorDELETE -- delete rows of a tableDROP AGGREGATE -- remove a user-defined aggregate functionDROP CAST -- remove a user-defined castDROP CONVERSION -- remove a user-defined conversionDROP DATABASE -- remove a databaseDROP DOMAIN -- remove a user-defined domainDROP FUNCTION -- remove a user-defined functionDROP GROUP -- remove a user groupDROP INDEX -- remove an indexDROP LANGUAGE -- remove a user-defined procedural languageDROP OPERATOR -- remove a user-defined operatorDROP OPERATOR CLASS -- remove a user-defined operator classDROP RULE -- remove a rewrite ruleDROP SCHEMA -- remove a schemaDROP SEQUENCE -- remove a sequenceDROP TABLE -- remove a tableDROP TRIGGER -- remove a triggerDROP TYPE -- remove a user-defined data typeDROP USER -- remove a database user accountDROP VIEW -- remove a viewEND -- commit the current transactionEXECUTE -- execute a prepared queryEXPLAIN -- show the execution plan of a statementFETCH -- retrieve rows from a table using a cursorGRANT -- define access privilegesINSERT -- create new rows in a tableLISTEN -- listen for a notificationLOAD -- load or reload a shared library fileLOCK -- explicitly lock a tableMOVE -- position a cursor on a specified row of a tableNOTIFY -- generate a notificationPREPARE -- create a prepared queryREINDEX -- rebuild corrupted indexesRESET -- restore the value of a run-time parameter to a default valueREVOKE -- remove access privilegesROLLBACK -- abort the current transactionSELECT -- retrieve rows from a table or viewSELECT INTO -- create a new table from the results of a querySET -- change a run-time parameterSET CONSTRAINTS -- set the constraint mode of the current transactionSET SESSION AUTHORIZATION -- set the session user identifier and the current user identifier of the current sessionSET TRANSACTION -- set the characteristics of the current transactionSHOW -- show the value of a run-time parameterSTART TRANSACTION -- start a transaction blockTRUNCATE -- empty a tableUNLISTEN -- stop listening for a notificationUPDATE -- update rows of a tableVACUUM -- garbage-collect and optionally analyze a database--是指这个命令列表吗?