在对这个 numpy 数组进行排序并删除所有重复 (y) 值和重复 (y) 值的相应 (x) 值后,我使用 for 循环在剩余坐标处绘制矩形。但我收到错误:ValueError:解包的值太多(预期为 2),但它的形状与原始形状相同,只是重复项已被删除。
from graphics import *
import numpy as np
def main():
win = GraphWin("A Window", 500, 500)
# starting array
startArray = np.array([[2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7],
[5, 4, 8, 3, 7, 8]])
# the following reshapes the from all x's in one row and y's in second row
# to x,y rows pairing the x with corresponding y value.
# then it searches for duplicate (y) values and removes both the duplicate (y) and
# its corresponding (x) value by removing the row.
# then the unique [x,y]'s array is reshaped back to a [[x,....],[y,....]] array to be used to draw rectangles.
d = startArray.reshape((-1), order='F')
# reshape to [x,y] matching the proper x&y's together
e = d.reshape((-1, 2), order='C')
# searching for duplicate (y) values and removing that row so the corresponding (x) is removed too.
f = e[np.unique(e[:, 1], return_index=True)[1]]
# converting unique array back to original shape
almostdone = f.reshape((-1), order='C')
# final reshape to return to original starting shape but is only unique values
done = almostdone.reshape((2, -1), order='F')
# print all the shapes and elements
print("this is d reshape of original/start array:", d)
print("this is e reshape of d:\n", e)
print("this is f unique of e:\n", f)
print("this is almost done:\n", almostdone)
print("this is done:\n", done)
print("this is original array:\n",startArray)
# loop to draw a rectangle with each x,y value being pulled from the x and y rows
# says too many values to unpack?
for x,y in np.nditer(done,flags = ['external_loop'], order = 'F'):
print("this is x,y:", x,y)
print("this is y:", y)
rect = Rectangle(Point(x,y),Point(x+4,y+4))
为什么 for 循环适用于原始数组而不适用于这个排序数组?或者我可以使用什么循环来使用(f),因为它已排序但形状(-1,2)?